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How to Get Urine Smell Out of Dog Fur: 4 Easy Ways

Written by: Misty Layne

Last Updated on July 25, 2024 by Dogster Team


How to Get Urine Smell Out of Dog Fur: 4 Easy Ways

Dogs aren’t always “straight shooters” when it comes time to pee, though that’s not the only way a dog can get urine in their fur. It may even occur regularly if you have a pet that is incontinent. Regardless of how it happens, you will likely be compelled to get rid of the stale urine smell.

Urine not only stinks, but its odor also tends to linger. It can become tacky when it dries and even transfer from your pup to other items, making them reek too. It’s vital to remove the urine and its smell from your dog’s fur as soon as possible.

The question is, how are you supposed to do that? By using one of these four possible ways to get the urine smell out of your dog’s fur, you’ll find that you can handle the situation quite easily!

Before You Start

Before you begin removing the urine smell from your dog’s fur, you need to make sure you have a few things on hand.

Depending on the method you use, you’ll need:
  • Bathtub or sink
  • Regular dog shampoo
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Towels
  • Pet wipes
  • Self-rinse or dry shampoo
  • Cornstarch
  • Talcum powder

Once you’ve acquired the items you’ll need for the method you’ve chosen, take them to the area you’ll be using to clean your dog and ensure that they’re within reach.

spraying a cat repellant in the house
Photo Credit: Squirrel_photos, Pixabay

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The 4 Ways to Get Urine Smell Out of Dog Fur

1. Bathing

shiba inu dog taking a bath
Photo Credit: Ultraskrip, Shutterstock

Depending on how much urine has gotten on your dog, bathing will likely be the best way to remove the urine smell from their fur. For this, you’ll need a place to bathe your pup, regular dog shampoo, towels, and apple cider vinegar.

You’ll be washing them as usual, for the most part; you’ll just be adding an extra step with the vinegar. So, before you begin the bath, mix 1 cup of vinegar with 1/2 gallon of warm water.

First, bathe as normal with an extra lather or two on the parts of their fur containing urine. Once you’ve rinsed the shampoo off them well, you’ll then—carefully and avoiding the eyes—pour the vinegar mixture onto the fur that has been urinated on. Then, you’ll rinse thoroughly with water again and dry your pet as you typically would.

  • Thorough way to remove the smell of urine
  • You should have what you need on hand
  • Time-consuming way to remove the smell of urine
  • Your dog might hate baths

2. Pet Wipes

disposable wipes
Photo Credit: Yevhen Prozhyrko, Shutterstock

Sometimes you might notice the smell of urine on your pup when you aren’t at home or when it’s just not convenient to bathe them. In that case, you might want to give pet wipes a try.

While not as thorough as a bath, they make a good alternative when you’re on the go. They are also good to use if you have a puppy that’s having a lot of accidents and you’re concerned about bathing too often (as too many baths can lead to a dry coat and skin).

When using pet wipes, all you will need to do is wipe down the parts of your pet’s fur that have been stained with urine.

  • More convenient than a full-blown bath
  • Your dog may prefer this method
  • Prevents overbathing
  • May remove the urine smell less well than bathing

3. Dry and Self-Rinse Shampoos

Dog + Hepper waterless dry shampoo sitting on towels

You’re likely familiar with dry shampoo, but you may not have realized that there are versions for dogs. If you’re in an absolute pinch and have no other alternatives on hand, dry shampoo should help remove at least some of the urine smell from your dog’s fur. All you have to do is spray or sprinkle this into the fur, massage it in, and then brush the coat when it’s dried. Be warned that dry shampoo can leave a sticky residue, so you may still end up having to bathe your pup later.

Self-rinse shampoos work similarly but do a bit better job than dry shampoos. They’re more like regular shampoo too, only not as thick. With self-rinse shampoo, you work the shampoo into your pet’s coat until it lathers, then blot dry, and you’re done!

  • Great when you have no other alternatives available
  • Quick and easy to use
  • Won’t be as effective at removing urine smell, especially dry shampoo
  • Dry shampooing may still require a bath later due to residue

4. Talcum Powder and Cornstarch

Talcum Powder
Photo Credit: Pixabay

This combination of ingredients is quite like the idea of dry shampoo in that it’s meant to soak up any urine and its smell from your dog’s fur. You do the same as you would with dry shampoo: Put a little of both on your dog’s fur, rub it in, and then brush it out after it’s dried. This solution is usually more of a temporary one, so you may find yourself following up with a bath or other methods later.

  • Easy to use
  • Mostly a temporary method of removing urine smell
  • Will most likely require a follow-up with another method, such as bathing

What You Should Know About Urine Leakage

Sometimes when your dog gets urine on themselves, it isn’t a simple matter of them having long hair or just peeing on their foot by accident. They might be leaking urine unintentionally, also known as incontinence. If you think this could be the situation with your pup, it’s important to know the reasons it could be occurring and what to do about it.

If  you want more information or are concerned about your pet’s health, you should contact your vet.

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If you need to speak with a vet but can’t get to one, head over to PangoVet. It’s an online service where you can talk to a vet online and get the personalized advice you need for your pet — all at an affordable price!

Why Dogs Leak Urine

There are quite a few health reasons that your dog might be leaking urine. These include:
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Weak bladder muscles
  • Nerve damage
  • Bladder stones
  • Prostate disease

If you suspect your dog has become incontinent, you’ll want to get them to the vet straight away to determine the root cause of the issue. Once your vet has determined why the incontinence is happening, they can begin treatment as needed. Treatments can range from medication to changes in diet to surgery, depending on the reason for the incontinence.

We also recommend investing in a great enzyme cleaner to get rid of any smells and stains.

Our Favorite Product

Hepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator Spray is our top choice for an all-purpose cleaner for pet messes. It effectively removes even the toughest stains and odors, making clean-up and accident prevention effortless. What's more, Hepper offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee, which is a great bonus! If you're interested in learning more about this product, click here.

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Dogster_Website dividers_v1_Jan 18 2024-03 Conclusion

It’s unfortunate when our dogs pee on themselves, whether accidentally or due to a health issue. But you don’t have to panic about how to get the urine smell out of their fur! Urine and its odor are relatively simple to remove.

You can get rid of it with a bath, pet wipes, dry or self-insured shampoo, or even just a bit of talcum powder and cornstarch. Depending on the method that you go with, it can take mere minutes or up to an hour. Whichever way you choose to remove that awful urine smell, though, you can rest assured that your dog will be relieved!

Looking to get rid of odors in other places? Try:

Featured Image Credit: nadisja, Shutterstock

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