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How Many Emotional Support Animals Can You Have? Regulations & FAQ

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on August 19, 2024 by Dogster Team

friend emotional support

How Many Emotional Support Animals Can You Have? Regulations & FAQ

More and more people are turning to emotional support animals (or ESAs) for help with anxiety, depression, or other mood disorders and conditions. If you already have an ESA, you may be wondering, “How many emotional support animals can a person have?”

The short answer is that if you and your healthcare provider determine that it is necessary, you can have more than one emotional support animal. As long as the animals do not violate local or state laws, no specific regulation states how many ESAs a person can have.

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Who Typically Gets an Emotional Support Animal?

Anyone can get an emotional support animal, but some groups of people may benefit from having one more than others. College students living away from home for the first time and feeling homesick or lonely may find that an ESA can provide them with the necessary companionship. Elderly people who are living alone and experiencing social isolation can similarly benefit from an ESA.

People dealing with mental health issues like anxiety or depression may also find that an emotional support animal helps ease their symptoms.

emotional support dog sad girl
Image By: Anagarcia, Shutterstock

Benefits of an Emotional Support Animal

Research has shown that interacting with an animal can be beneficial for both physical and mental health. When people interact with animals, their bodies release hormones that have positive effects on the mind and body. These include oxytocin, which has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels; dopamine, which helps improve moods; and serotonin, which helps regulate sleep and appetite.

In addition to the physical benefits of having an emotional support animal, there are social benefits. Interacting with an ESA can also help you meet new people and make new friends. People who own ESAs often report feeling more connected to their community and less isolated. Whether you’re walking your dog as a way to get outside and meet new people or asking friends for tips about caring for your cat, pets can increase your chances for interactions.

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Why Would Someone Need More Than One ESA?

Reasons that someone might need more than one ESA:
  • If a person suffers from multiple mental health conditions that result in different symptoms, they may find that having more than one ESA helps them cope better.
  • A person’s needs may change over time, so they may require different types of support from their ESAs at different points in their life.
  • It is possible for a person to form strong bonds with multiple ESAs, so they may want to have more than one for companionship.

Whatever the reason, there’s no shame in needing more than one emotional support animal. It doesn’t mean that you’re weak or that you’re not doing enough to take care of yourself. It just means that you understand your needs and that you’re willing to do what it takes to meet them.

woman holding a cat and a papillon dog
Image By: Reshetnikov_art, Shutterstock

How to Have More Than One ESA

If you think that you might benefit from having more than one emotional support animal, the first step is to ask your therapist if you are eligible. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, it is important to have a clear and documented need for an ESA. This means that your therapist should be able to provide documentation of your mental health condition and how an emotional support animal would help alleviate symptoms.

Second, keep in mind that having more than one emotional support animal may require extra planning and preparation on your part.

Here are a few things to keep in mind if you are considering adding another ESA to your household:
  • You will need to provide documentation from your therapist detailing why an additional ESA would be beneficial for your mental health.
  • You will need to find a housing situation that allows for more than one ESA. This may be difficult, but there are some landlords and property management companies that are willing to work with people who have multiple ESAs.
  • You will need to make sure that you can care for more than one animal financially and physically.

ESAs and Housing

The main area of regulation for ESAs is in terms of housing, including public and privately-owned housing. While ESAs are not ensured protections or allowed to be in various public spaces in the same way that service animals are, they are allowed to live in housing that may specify “no pets.” If properly registered and documented as an ESA, your animal is eligible to live in your place of residence.

Emotional support dog with an elderly woman
Image Credit: everymmnt, Shutterstock

ESAs and State Regulations

Most states have laws regulating the maximum number of pets that can be kept in a single household. These laws vary from state to state, so it’s important to check the regulations in your area before bringing home a new pet. In some states, there may be no limit on the number of pets you can have, while other states may limit you to two or three pets.

In many cases, the state regulations on the number of pets allowed in a household supersede the regulation that allows you to have multiple emotional support animals. If you are considering having several ESAs, it may be important to check your state’s maximum pet allowance per type of animal (dog, cat, etc.). You can also check the rankings of the most pet-friendly states in America.

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Final Thoughts

It is important to remember that you can have more than one emotional support animal, but it is best to check with your therapist or doctor to see if it is the right decision for you.

Several factors must be considered before deciding to have more than one ESA. These include state regulations for the number of pets allowed, the financial ability to care for multiple animals, and adequate space for all of them. Ultimately, it is up to the individual and their therapist to decide what situation is best for them and suits their emotional needs.

Featured Image Credit: Seaq68, Pixabay

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