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4 Vet-Approved Homemade Remedies for Dog Stains & Odors for Pee, Poo & Puke

Written by: Kristin Hitchcock

Last Updated on June 21, 2024 by Dogster Team

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4 Vet-Approved Homemade Remedies for Dog Stains & Odors for Pee, Poo & Puke


Dr. Marta Vidal-Abarca Photo


Dr. Marta Vidal-Abarca


The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Dogs can cause many stains. While enzymatic, commercial solutions may work best for deep-set stains, you can often get away with a homemade solution. While these are effective, it’s important to remember that they don’t always work. If the first homemade solution you try doesn’t work, consider trying a different one.

Test out any cleaning solution on an inconspicuous area before applying it to the stain. You don’t want it to cause discoloration. While this does not often occur with natural cleaning solutions, it absolutely can.

We’ll list several homemade remedies for dog stains below, including some directions on how to use them.

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The 4 Homemade Remedies for Dog Stains & Odors for Pee, Poo & Puke

1. Baking Soda

a bowl of baking soda
Image Credit: NatureFriend, Pixabay

The simplest homemade cleaning solution only requires baking soda. That’s it! Start by blotting the stain to remove as much of the excessive mess as possible. This method works best on stains that are still wet. If a stain has already dried, you may want to wet it again with a bit of water.

After the spot has been blotted, sprinkle baking soda generously on the area. Leave it to sit for at least 30 minutes (or overnight, preferably) to absorb any moisture and odors. Then, vacuum it up thoroughly. The spot should be gone, and the area less smelly.

2. White Vinegar and Water

white vinegar on wooden table
Image Credit: focal point, Shutterstock

As you might guess, this method requires white vinegar and water. Mix equal parts of both substances into a spray bottle. Vinegar can discolor some fabrics, so test it on an inconspicuous area of the fabric or carpet first or try a more diluted solution, mixing one part of vinegar in four parts of water. If the test area is fine, you can spray the affected area with the solution.

Ensure you spray it enough to dampen the whole area. However, don’t soak it—you want to minimize as much of the vinegar smell as you can.

Blot up the liquid with a clean cloth. No need to let it sit or anything of that sort. Once you’ve gotten up as much liquid as possible, let the area dry completely.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda

hydrogen peroxide
Image Credit:, Shutterstock

You can also use 3% hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to make a stronger cleaning solution. Never use full-strength hydrogen peroxide, as it can cause bleaching and will discolor fabric and carpets. You should be extra-certain to test this solution, too.

Dilute the hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle by adding double the amount of water to hydrogen peroxide. After testing the solution, lightly spray the affected away with the watered hydrogen peroxide until it is damp.

Next, sprinkle the baking soda on the dampened area and let it sit for at least an hour. If you can, we do recommend letting the baking soda sit overnight, though.

Finally, vacuum up the baking soda and let the area dry completely if it isn’t already.

4. Club Soda

soda being poured in glass
Image Credit: Ash Pollard, Shutterstock

If you have club soda lying around, it can be effective for fresh stains, especially urine accidents. Before adding the club soda, blot up as much of the mess as you can with a clean cloth. Next, saturate the whole area with club soda. You want it drenched for this method to work well.

Let the club soda sit for around 10 minutes and then scrub the area. Next, blot up all the liquid with a clean cloth. Allow the area to dry completely, and it should be cleaned.

Keep in mind that this method is one of the least effective. However, it requires no preparation and does work well on some stains, so it can be an easy option in some cases.

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What Cleaner Should You Use for Dog Stains?

There are tons of cleaners out there for dog stains. However, they are not made equal. Preferably, you want a stain remover that’s enzymatic. These cleaners have specific enzymes in them that remove dog-related stains and odors. They’re much better than your average cleaner, and they do a lot more than just cover up the smell.

Of course, you should also choose an enzymatic cleaner that’s high-quality. We highly recommend selecting one that isn’t full of artificial smells, as these tend to only cover up the smell. You also want one that’s safe to use on your floors, of course. Carpet can be much different from hardwood.

If you are interested in an all-natural ezyme cleaner, our favorite is the Hepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator Spray. It does an excellent job of successfully lifting set-in stains and odors the first time without odor masking. It's available in 3 light scent options - Neutral, Citrus Splash, and Floral Fresh. Best of all, it comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee - click here to learn more. 

Hepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator Spray
  • ADVANCED ENZYMATIC CLEANER - Penetrates the most stubborn smells and stains at the deepest molecular...
  • FOR ANY MESS, ON ANY SURFACE - This pet odor eliminator cleans your carpets, floors, furniture,...
  • FRESH, NATURAL ODOR - Our unique formulation doesn't rely on dangerous or unpleasant chemical...

At Dogster, we’ve admired Hepper for many years, and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding products of this cool pet company!

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Final Thoughts

There are tons of different at-home cleaning solutions for dog stains and odors around the house. These have varying degrees of effectiveness, depending on your flooring and the exact stain. Sometimes, you may have to try more than one solution for a complete cleaner, especially if you aren’t using any enzymatic cleaners.

These are often less effective than commercial cleaners. After all, they aren’t specially designed in a lab. However, they can be easily created using what you have lying around, and time is of the essence when you’re cleaning stains.

Trying one of these homemade options may be easier and faster than running out to purchase an enzymatic cleaner. If you can at all manage it, purchase an enzymatic cleaner for the next accident. They work a lot better and are completely safe to use around your home.

Featured Image By: cunaplus, Shutterstock

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