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Are Rottweilers Good Guard Dogs? Temperament, Facts & FAQ

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on June 24, 2024 by Dogster Team

rottweiler standing

Are Rottweilers Good Guard Dogs? Temperament, Facts & FAQ

Rottweilers are bold and brave dogs that will not back down from any kind of confrontation. While gentle and loving with their family, they can be distrustful of strangers and overly protective of their humans.

This protectiveness can be mitigated by early socialization and ongoing training, however. Guarding does not mean aggressive behavior and can be viewed as a positive trait by owners. While Rotties do make good guard dogs, many other breeds can display similar levels of protectiveness over their family. Read on to learn more about the guarding properties of this breed and to see whether a Rottie is right for you.

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Rottweiler Temperament

The Rottweiler is a confident and brave breed. They will investigate anything that they believe could pose a threat to themselves and their family, and if there is any trouble and the dog needs to react, they will do so quickly and fearlessly.

With family, the dog is loyal and loving, and these traits help make them a good guard dog. The fact that they are intelligent and quick to pick up and follow commands only serves to make them even more appealing.

Rottweiler dog in park
Image by: BidaOleksandr, Shutterstock

What Makes a Good Guard Dog?

The term guard dog leads many people to think of growling, barking, and snarling dogs that will attack anybody who goes near them. In reality, a guard dog will reliably determine when there is a threat and then protect their family. This does not mean aggression but could mean barking a warning to trespassers or standing between a child and anything that they deem to be a genuine threat.

Are Rottweilers Good Guard Dogs?

A somewhat intimidating look and bark are also beneficial to a guard dog. The Rottie’s heavy, skeletal frame and stout nose do give them an intimidating look, which is further supported by their sleek coloring.

Rottweiler Training and Socialization

Since the Rottie is easy to train, this means you can train them to recognize what is a threat and what isn’t. You can train your Rottie to leave or stand down, and through good training, you can also teach them appropriate responses to situations.

The Rottweiler does need a lot of socialization. This means introducing them to other dogs but also to new people and new situations. Ensure that your puppy has met men, women, adults, and children. Introduce them to people in uniforms and other workers, and ensure that they are comfortable around people on bikes and in cars. The more situations your puppy deals with when they are younger, the better equipped they will be to cope with these and other new situations when they mature.

rottweiler running pose
Image by: 825545, Pixabay

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The 5 Other Good Guard Dog Breeds

The Rottweiler makes an excellent guard dog that will protect property and people. Here are five more breeds that make good guard dogs.

1. German Shepherd

german shepherd dog_Hans Kemperman, Pixabay
Image by: Hans Kemperman, Pixabay

Like the Rottweiler, the German Shepherd makes a good family dog, is considered intelligent, and has been used in public service roles for generations. They are also one of the most commonly seen guard dog breeds.

The German Shepherd is easy to train and willingly follows commands. They can be quite vocal, and this energetic breed needs a lot of daily exercise. Besides being a good guard dog, the German Shepherd excels in agility and canine sports.

2. Doberman

Doberman shepherd_Anna Mogilevtseva_Shutterstock
Image By: Anna Mogilevtseva, Shutterstock

Yet another German guard dog breed, the Doberman has the same brown and black colors as the Rottweiler. They are about the same height too but have a more muscular and athletic physique.

The Doberman is a good family dog, potentially even more cuddly than the sometimes-aloof Rottweiler, and they will take to training even more easily. Provide the Doberman with plenty of exercise to get the most out of them and to ensure that they do not get bored and become destructive.

3. Australian Shepherd

australian shepherd_JitkaP_ Shutterstock
Image Credit: JitkaP, Shutterstock

At first glance, the Australian Shepherd is different from the previous entries on the list. They are a working dog but do not look as intimidating as the German Shepherd or the Rottweiler. However, they were bred as a herding dog, and one of the responsibilities of a herding dog was to protect livestock from wild animals and even thieves.

The Australian Shepherd has vast levels of energy and is highly intelligent, and while they might not look as intimidating as a Rottie, they have the same temerity and tenacity that mean they will relentlessly guard property and people.

4. Schnauzer

Image Credit: Eliska Zeiskova, Shutterstock

The Giant Schnauzer is a large variant of the Standard Schnauzer and is best known for their impressive facial hair.

When poorly trained, the Schnauzer can be quite aggressive, so ongoing training and early socialization are important. This loyal breed will fearlessly protect their livestock or in this case, their human family from what they perceive to be a threat. Socialization helps the Schnauzer more accurately determine what is and what is not a threat.

5. Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier standing in the river
Image By: Lindasay, Pixabay

When it comes to fearless guard dog breeds, you need look no further than the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. While the smallest on the list, especially in terms of height, this petite dog has one of the most powerful jaws in the canine world.

This playful animal enjoys time with humans and can be gentle around young children, though you should never leave babies and dogs unattended. Like the Rottweiler, the Staffie has endured a history of being used for fighting and as an attack dog and has gained a negative reputation as a result. However, when properly trained and socialized, this is a friendly and loving dog that will protect their owners.

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Are Rottweilers Good Guard Dogs?

The Rottweiler is the quintessential guard dog. They are strong and fearless and have an intimidating physical appearance. They are intelligent enough to be able to determine what is and isn’t a threat and then react accordingly. With socialization and training, you can enjoy a great family pet that is loving with you and your children but that will fearlessly protect you when the need arises.

See also: 

Featured Image Credit: Ricantimages, Shutterstock

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