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Can Dogs Eat Pomelo? Vet-Reviewed Benefits & Risks

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on June 18, 2024 by Dogster Team

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Can Dogs Eat Pomelo? Vet-Reviewed Benefits & Risks


Dr. Lorna Whittemore  Photo


Dr. Lorna Whittemore

BVMS, MRCVS (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Pomelo is a citrus fruit native to Asia that has a lemony taste. It’s large and similar to grapefruit in size and appearance. Pomelo’s similar appearance to grapefruit has people wondering if dogs can eat it. The good news is that while grapefruit is not safe for dogs, pomelo is. But although pomelo will not harm dogs if it is eaten, it is still not the best thing for dogs to eat.

This brief guide will go over the benefits, risks, and whether dogs should eat pomelo on a regular basis.


Should Dogs Eat Pomelo?

If dogs eat pomelo flesh by accident or get some scraps with pomelo included, they will usually be okay. However, it is not advisable to feed dogs pomelo on purpose. The reason being is that there are high amounts of sugar in pomelo, and the other benefits provided by pomelo can easily be obtained from sources better suited for dogs.

However, pomelo is technically safe and will not cause a toxicity reaction or any acute effects if eaten by a dog.

Pomelo vs. Grapefruit

One of the reasons people are often concerned about pomelo is its similarity to grapefruit. Dogs should definitely not eat grapefruit because the acidity is very harsh on dogs’ stomachs. Pomelo is even called Chinese grapefruit in some circles. It is native to Southeast Asia.

The plant material and peel of grapefruit are also toxic to dogs. However, despite the similarities to grapefruit in terms of size and shape, pomelos are much gentler and safer for dogs. Pomelo and grapefruit are not the same, and they carry different risks and benefits from one another.

Fresh raw grapefruit
Image Credit: Nedim Bajramovic, Shutterstock

Potential Benefits of Pomelo

Pomelo has some small benefits for dogs if they eat it. Pomelos are high in vitamin C, lycopene, and fiber. Lycopene can help reduce inflammation. Fiber is good for a healthy digestive system and gut. Vitamin C is always good for immune systems, even in dogs. Despite the benefits, pomelo should be fed in very small quantities, if fed at all.

Potential Risks of Pomelo

The high sugar content in pomelos makes it unsuitable to feed dogs. Dogs with diabetes can be severely impacted by eating too much sugar. Diabetic dogs should avoid pomelo (and other high-sugar fruits) at all costs. Feeding too much sugar too regularly can be harmful to their long-term health. Even healthy dogs can develop diarrhea and stomach pain if they eat too much pomelo. Pomelo is a sugary citrus fruit, and the sugar and citric acid can quickly upset dogs’ stomachs if they eat too much.

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Pomelo flesh is technically safe for dogs, but it carries some risks. The marginal benefits are not worth the risks of feeding pomelo regularly. Your dog can get the same benefits from other safer sources than pomelo. If your dog gets pomelo scraps or accidentally gets into some of the fruit, they will be fine, but you shouldn’t go out of your way to feed your dog pomelo on a regular basis.

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