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How Much Does a Dog’s Ear Hematoma Surgery Cost? (2024 Update)

Written by: Visnja Radosavljevic

Last Updated on July 12, 2024 by Dogster Team

dog ear hematoma

How Much Does a Dog’s Ear Hematoma Surgery Cost? (2024 Update)

Ear hematomas are common in dogs; they are blood-filled pockets on the internal side of the ear flap. While ear hematomas may seem harmless, they’re painful for your dog and can swell, leading to further health issues for your pet. Because of that, it’s crucial to treat a dog’s ear hematoma promptly and take them to a vet, who will probably perform surgery to get rid of the hematoma.

As you know, vet checkups and visits can be costly, so we want to provide you with more info about how much a dog’s ear hematoma surgery costs. Typically, a dog’s ear hematoma surgery costs anywhere from $300 to $2,000, but the price can be much higher in some areas. Read on to learn all the details.


The Importance of Removing a Hematoma from Your Dog’s Ear

If your dog has an ear hematoma, it’s crucial to react promptly and eliminate it, and we’ll explain why. However, before we get into the details of why an ear hematoma needs removal, you need to know how a dog hematoma looks and what causes it. In a dog, an ear hematoma will manifest as a small lump that will grow over time, and many refer to this condition as the cauliflower ear. Other signs of ear hematoma in dogs include:

  • Itching and scratching in the ear
  • A part of the ear or the whole ear contains fluid
  • Head shaking
  • Pain in the affected area
  • Discoloration of the ear
  • Tilting the head
Aural Hematoma, The infection of the dog's ears is swelling, itching and redness like a water bag
Image By: Kittima05, Shutterstock

Typically, dogs unintentionally cause ear hematomas by scratching or shaking their heads too often and too hard. When that happens, the dog can damage the blood vessels inside the ear, leading to a hematoma. This condition can happen to all dogs, but dogs with bigger ears are more susceptible to this problem.

One of the most significant issues of ear hematomas, and the reason you should remove a hematoma from your dog’s ear, is that there might be an underlying condition causing the hematoma to appear. If there’s a medical issue you don’t know about, you could jeopardize your dog’s health.

Here are some of the possible medical conditions for why your dog has an ear hematoma:
  • Allergies
  • Yeast infections
  • Ear mites
  • Ear trauma
  • Skin diseases
  • Immune system disorder
  • Blood-clotting disorder

As the ear hematoma in your dog is painful and could indicate something else is going on, you should immediately take your puppy to the vet if you notice this problem.

vet cleaning dog ears
Image Credit By: Zivica Kerkez, Shutterstock

How Much Does Dog’s Ear Hematoma Surgery Cost?

Typically, a dog’s ear hematoma surgery costs anywhere from $300 to $2,000, but the price can be much higher in some areas. The price of the surgery will depend on several factors, including:

  • Your location
  • The severity of the hematoma
  • The removal method (some dogs may not need surgery)

When it comes to your location, the prices of dog ear hematoma surgery vary per region. Here’s a comparison of prices of this surgery per the area you live in:

  • West Coast: $166–$2,500+
  • Midwest: $180–$2,000
  • East Coast: $870–$3,000+

Regarding the severity of the hematoma, larger hematomas will be more expensive to treat and remove than recent hematomas. Also, not all dogs require surgery; some only need the hematoma drained. If your dog doesn’t need surgery and can go through the drainage removal method, the costs will be significantly lower, typically between $200 and $500. However, some dogs must visit the vet several times to have the fluid drained.

Additional Costs to Anticipate

Before your dog has ear hematoma surgery, you’ll need to visit the vet, who will perform several tests, and there could be additional costs.

Husky dog lying on vet table with doctor and owner near by
Image Credit: ressmaster, Shutterstock

1. Vet Examination and Lab Tests

The veterinarian must examine your canine and verify whether the ear hematoma requires surgery. During that consultation, your vet will provide information about all possible removal methods and their costs. This type of examination typically costs between $100 and $250.

Also, the vet will probably have to run several lab tests to ensure your dog’s healthy enough to withstand the surgery. The costs of those tests can vary from $100 to $200.

2. Anesthesia

If your canine needs ear hematoma surgery, they’ll also need anesthesia. Depending on your dog’s size and overall health, you’re looking at a price between $90 and $1,200 for the anesthesia.

3. Hospitalization

Commonly, the dog must remain hospitalized for a day after the ear hematoma surgery. The hospitalization price can vary but is typically between $600 and $1,200.

4. Medications

Depending on the pain your dog is going through and if there’s inflammation, they might need antibiotics, pain relief medication, or anti-inflammatory medications. While the price of these medications varies, they usually cost between $25 and $200.

5. Follow-up Checkups

Once your dog goes through surgery, they must rest and recover for the next 2 weeks. During that period, your beloved friend will need follow-up checkups at your vet to verify the recovery is going smoothly. The costs for the additional checkups vary from $100 to $250.

german shorthaired pointer dog check by vet
Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock

divider-dog paw

How Long Will My Dog Stay at the Vet?

Most dogs must stay hospitalized for one day for ear hematoma surgery, especially because of the anesthesia. That way, the vet can monitor your dog’s condition and ensure the surgery was successful. However, it can turn into multiple days if there are complications during the surgery. If your dog didn’t go through surgery and had another hematoma removal method instead, they should go home with you immediately after the procedure.

Does Pet Insurance Cover Dog’s Ear Hematoma Surgery?

Most accident and illness policies will cover ear hematoma surgery unless the hematoma is connected with a previous condition. After the surgery, you can file a claim with your pet insurance company, and you should get reimbursed for 70% to 90% of the cost. Of course, while most insurance companies cover these costs, that might not be the case with all companies.

Because of that, getting all the details before choosing a company for your pet insurance is always helpful.

What Happens if You Leave a Dog’s Ear Hematoma Untreated?

If you leave your dog’s ear hematoma untreated, it will become larger over time, causing more pain and stress. The inflammation could also distort your dog’s ear, which can obstruct the ear canal.

Remember that ear hematomas bring discomfort and pain to your dog, so it’s crucial to react quickly and remove the hematoma.

vet showing ear hemotoma on a dog
Image By: ThamKC, Shutterstock

How To Prevent an Ear Hematoma in Your Dog?

While there are no strict rules on how to prevent an ear hematoma in your dog, there are a few preventative measures you can take:

  • Keep your dog’s ears clean
  • Prevent ear infections in your dog
  • Find the underlying cause of the problem
  • Take your dog to regular vet checkups


Final Thoughts

The cost of a dog’s ear hematoma surgery varies, but it’s expensive, especially if there are additional costs. Your vet can give you an estimate and provide tips for the recovery period. It’s not a condition that resolves on its own, and treating the hematoma promptly is vital to relieve your pup’s pain. Pet insurance can help with the expenses, but it’s best to contact your provider to ensure the procedure is covered.

See Also: What Causes a Dog’s Ear to Swell? 6 Vet-Verified Reasons

Featured Image Credit: Kittima05, Shutterstock

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