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Can I Put Vaseline on My Dog’s Paw? Plus Tips for Usage

Written by: Adam Mann

Last Updated on June 4, 2024 by Dogster Team

owner applying petroleum jelly to pet dog for protection

Can I Put Vaseline on My Dog’s Paw? Plus Tips for Usage

Vaseline is a household product you probably already have on hand, and if you’re wondering if you can use Vaseline to help with cracking paws, yes you can, it’s a great solution! Not only can you use Vaseline after your pup’s paws start to crack, but you can also use it to help keep it from cracking in the first place. But what else do you need to know when using Vaseline on your dog, and what else can you use it for? We’ll break it all down for you here.

Should You Put Vaseline on Your Dog’s Paw?

You certainly can! While there are other products out there that you can use on your dog’s paws to moisturize and protect them, Vaseline works great, is a common product, and is completely safe for dogs. These are reasons why veterinarians continue to recommend Vaseline after various procedures, and it’s why you should continue to use and trust Vaseline with your pup. However, you do need to be careful about how much they consume if they’re constantly licking it.

vaseline for dog paws
Image Credit: allian, Shutterstock

Can Dogs Eat Vaseline?

Yes. While you shouldn’t feed your dog Vaseline, there’s nothing wrong with your dog licking a little Vaseline off their paws from time to time. Vaseline is not toxic to dogs, although it can act as a slight diuretic if your dog eats too much.

In fact, many vets will give your dog a little Vaseline if they need help dislodging something from their digestive tract. But leave this diagnosis and treatment option to your vet since any time something gets lodged in your pup’s digestive tract, it can be extremely dangerous.

When Should You Put Vaseline on Your Dog’s Paw?

There are a few different situations where putting Vaseline on your dog’s paw can have a few benefits. It’s incredibly helpful in the cold, and putting it on their paws and nose before taking them outside can help prevent cracking.

Another time when Vaseline can be beneficial is if your dog’s paw has a wound and needs a little extra protection or help with healing. You don’t need to overdo it in these situations, and if this is what you’re using it for, we recommend wrapping the wound after applying the Vaseline.

Applying vaseline cream on dog's paw pads to protect from salt or chemical deicers in snow
Image By: Pearl PhotoPix, Shutterstock

The 4 Tips for Using Vaseline on Your Dog’s Paw

If you’re thinking about using Vaseline on your dog’s paws, there are a few things you can do to help make it a smooth and successful experience.

1. A Little Goes a Long Way

You might think you need to slather on Vaseline to get the protective benefits you want, but that’s really not the case. A little Vaseline goes a long way, so start with a small amount and cover your pup’s paws instead of scooping out globs of the stuff!

owner applying vaseline cream on dog's paw pads to protect from salt or chemical deicers in snow
Image By: Pearl PhotoPix, Shutterstock

2. Apply It Outside if Possible

Vaseline is extremely effective, but it’s also messy. You can’t exactly tell your dog to stop moving all the time, so you might want to wait to apply the Vaseline until you’re outside. This will ensure they get all the benefits of Vaseline without any of the mess inside your home.

3. Wipe It Off When Coming Inside

Once you’re done outside, you’ll want to wipe the Vaseline off your pup’s paws when you’re coming inside. You don’t need to do this, but wiping off the extra will help ensure they don’t make a big mess simply by moving from room to room.

owner wipes the wet paws of a beagle dog with a rag
Image By: algae, Shutterstock

4. Consider Booties

After you put Vaseline on your dog, you should consider wrapping the area or putting booties on them, even if they don’t have a wound that requires it. Your pup might not like the booties, but they can provide an extra layer of protection from the cold and they’ll help ensure your dog doesn’t lick the Vaseline off.

Final Thoughts

Vaseline is an excellent product for people, and it’s versatile and safe enough to use on dogs too! It provides a protective layer for your pup’s paws, can help them heal, and it’s usually safe if your pup happens to eat some. You can go for a pet-specific product if you want, but there’s nothing wrong with using Vaseline on your dog’s paws to get all the same benefits.

Featured Image Credit: Pearl, PhotoPix

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