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Schneagle (Beagle & Miniature Schnauzer Mix): Info, Pictures & Care

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 24, 2024 by Dogster Team

Mini Schnauzer vs Beagle breed

Schneagle (Beagle & Miniature Schnauzer Mix): Info, Pictures & Care

The Schneagle is a spirited pup. A cross between a Beagle and a Miniature Schnauzer, this designer pup is friendly, social, and playful. This breed is a little needy, but its cuteness and lovability make up for it.

If you have other pets and children, the Schneagle could be the best pup for you and your family. This designer dog can often be found playing in the living room with the kids or roughhousing in the backyard with the entire family.

Breed Overview


12–14 inches


10–20 pounds


12–15 years


White, black, tan, multicolored

Suitable for:

Apartment living, families, homes that have other dogs, people who suffer from mild allergies


Gets along with other pets, friendly, social, playful, full of energy, needy

A perfect pet for apartment living, you can’t go wrong with adopting a Schneagle. However, if you’re considering adopting one of these pint-sized hybrids, there’s a lot you need to consider.

In this guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know before you buy or adopt a Schneagle puppy. We’ll also go into fitness needs, and little-known facts about the adorable pup, and clue you in on any minor and major health conditions you should watch out for.

Schneagle Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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Schneagle Puppies

While little has been found on the origins of the Schneagle, there’s plenty of information on the parents it comes from. Though most are born of purebred parents, and great care is taken with the breeding, some breeders aren’t as careful. So, don’t purchase your pup from just any breeder.

To know more about the Schneagle, you first need to know a little about the parents. The Miniature Schnauzer is loyal, loving, and fun to be around. The Beagle is also gentle and loving but can easily get up to mischief. They can be tricky and aren’t really good at obeying orders, but they love to be around children and make great family pets.

You never know what traits your Schneagle will take, but be prepared for a healthy, energetic, and fun pet to be your new addition to your family.

Image Credit: Miniature Schnauzer- Debra Anderson, Shutterstock | Beagle – Andrey_and_Lesya, Pixabay

Temperament & Intelligence of the Schneagle 🧠

Schneagle dogs are known for their sweet temperament. The breed is playful and devoted, easily getting along with people and other dogs. But, of course, the temperament of each individual dog will depend on which side of the family they inherit their temperament from.

This is an intelligent breed that loves to be the center of attention. While your pup is funny, energetic, and downright lovable, you need to know ahead of time that this breed craves attention. Your puppy might follow you from one room to the next looking for attention, so be prepared.

Since the Schneagle is an attention-seeking breed, you can’t leave him alone for long periods. If you do, he can become anxious and upset, so make sure if you adopt this breed, someone will be home with him most of the day.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

If you have a large family that’s active and willing to give your Schneagle a lot of attention, then this is a fantastic breed to adopt from. Since this breed is kind and gentle, they tend to get along with quiet children and energetic ones.

However, when it comes to children and your pet, socialize the dog early on, and always teach your children how to behave around and treat their pets for the best results. Children and dogs need to be trained at an early age to get along with one another.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽

If you train and socialize your Schneagle puppy at an early age, then she’ll get along fine with other dogs in your family. However, since she’s descended from the hound and terrier breeds, the instinct to chase smaller animals is strong. Therefore, it’s best not to have your Schneagle around cats, birds, and rabbits, for instance.

As with any other breed, the earlier you socialize your new Schneagle pup, the easier it’ll be for her to get along with children, other people, and pets.

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Things to Know When Owning a Schneagle

While the things mentioned above are important to know about owning a Schneagle, it’s also important to know everything from diet requirements to health conditions.

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Since your Schneagle pup will top out at probably no more than 25 pounds, it’s not going to require a lot of food to keep him healthy and happy. It’s recommended that you feed them no more than one cup of food per day. It’s essential to make sure their food is high-quality and has all the vitamins and nutrients required for their size and breed.

This breed is known for being greedy when they eat, so don’t give them their food all at once. Instead, break the meal down into three servings, served morning, noon, and evening. Keeping an eye on the food and treats your pup eats will keep them from getting fat, which they are prone to do.

Some Schneagles are also prone to developing hip dysplasia as they age, so find high-quality food with a lot of calcium. Chicken and fish in the brand you choose are considered the best source of calcium for this breed.

Exercise 🐕

While your dog is small, they’re also energetic and active, so need exercise daily. An hour of running around the yard or playing games with you at the dog park should suffice in the exercise department. A fenced yard is great for this breed, but if you live in an apartment, they’ll be fine.

Make sure to keep your Schneagle on a leash when you’re out and about because if they catch a scent they want to follow, they’ll be off and running before you know it.

Keep in mind that this intelligent breed needs to exercise its mind as well. Purchase toys that challenge your pup’s mentality too.

Training 🎾

Your Schneagle comes from a long line of dogs known to be difficult when it comes to being trained. If you’re a first-time dog owner, it can become overwhelming trying to train your pup. However, don’t give up. With a little bit of professional help, your puppy can be trained to follow commands and go outside to potty.

Grooming ✂️

Since this breed has a short, thick, wiry coat, they don’t shed much. It’s recommended that you brush your dog once a week to keep their coats unmatted and healthy. Take your Schneagle to be bathed, their teeth brushed, and their nails trimmed once a month, and they’ll be fine.

Just as you are giving your pet the highest-quality dog food, it’s essential to not neglect their grooming, as this helps keep them happy, healthy, and able to live a long full life.

Health and Conditions 🏥

Since their parents aren’t predisposed to develop any common hereditary problems, the Schneagle isn’t either. However, there are a few minor and severe conditions you’ll want to watch out for with your pup as they get older.

If your dog shows signs of any of these diseases and conditions, make an appointment with your vet right away for treatment.

Minor Conditions
  • Glaucoma
  • Cherry Eye
Serious Conditions
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Distichiasis
  • Epilepsy
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Patella Luxation

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Male vs. Female

There aren’t many differences to note when it comes to the male and female of the breed. The female is lighter in weight and tends to be smaller, though this isn’t a rule and might not happen in your case.

The temperaments are about the same with both, though this is determined by which parent they take after, the mother or the father.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Schneagle

1. This Breed Can Be Hypoallergenic

It’s possible that the Schneagle you purchased could be hypoallergenic. However, this isn’t something you can count on, as it depends on whether the dog inherited the Miniature Schnauzer’s fur or the Beagle’s fur.

2. This Breed Tends to Wander

Schneagles are descendants of hounds and terriers, which means they tend to run off and explore if you don’t keep a close eye on them. It’s best to keep your Schneagle on a leash when you’re outside, even if you feel they are trained enough not to run away. It’s too tempting for them to wander off in search of new scents or to chase smaller animals.

3. This Breeds Ancestors Were Working Dogs

While your Schneagle will probably not be a working dog, her ancestors were. In fact, Schnauzers were used by the Germans to send messages during World War 1.

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The Schneagle breed is perfect for a large family but might not do as well if there are only two of you because it makes it harder to give the dog the attention she needs and craves. So, if you’re ready to deal with what could be difficult training and have lots of love to give, then this breed will certainly give you that love back in spades.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: Left – Miniature Schnauzer (otsphoto_Shutterstock); Right – Beagle (Ev_Parasochka, Shutterstock)

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