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Pom-A-Nauze Dog Breed: Pictures, Info & Care Guide

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 24, 2024 by Dogster Team

The parents of the Pom-A-Nauze

Pom-A-Nauze Dog Breed: Pictures, Info & Care Guide

If you’re looking for a small dog with a big personality, you should consider a Pom a Nauze. This little bundle of joy is a cross between a Pomeranian and a Miniature Schnauzer. They’re cute dogs that go by other names, including Scheranians, Pomanauzers, and Schnaueranians. Regardless of what you want to call them, the Pom a Nauze is very affectionate and devoted to their owner!

Breed Overview


8–14 inches


4–15 pounds


12–16 years


Brown, cream, white, golden, sable

Suitable for:

Anyone looking for a loyal, fun-loving, small dog that loves adventure


Friendly, loyal, affectionate, intelligent, cheerful, energetic, easy to train

A Pom a Nauze can make a great family dog or a good companion for anyone willing to provide the mental and physical stimulation they need to be happy and healthy. This is a dog with a very cheerful disposition. If you’ve ever wondered how a happy-go-lucky dog acts, you’ll quickly find out if you decide to open your home to a cute little Pom a Nauze!

Like the parent breeds, a Pom a Nauze is a devoted and loyal dog. They quickly form a strong bond with everyone in the family and always want to be involved in all you do. Like the Pomeranian, a Pom a Nauze will always want to shower you with affection and stick close by your side.

Pom a Nauze Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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Pom a Nauze Puppies

If you have a weakness for cuteness when it comes to puppies, your heart will melt when you come face to face with a litter of Pom a Nauze puppies. They have medium-length, wiry hair and the iconic Miniature Schnauzer eyebrows.  But, since this is a hybrid, there are no guarantees regarding what a Pom a Nauze puppy will grow up to look like.

The Pom a Nauze is a very affectionate dog. Although they are undeniably social and extroverted, they can be distrustful of strangers since they have watchdog traits like the Pomeranian and Miniature Schnauzer. Our care guide below will discuss what type of food to feed them, how much exercise they need, and more so they can grow into happy and healthy dogs.

Parent_breeds_Pom A Nauze
Image By: Left-  skorchanov, Pixabay | Right – Debra Anderson, Shutterstock

Temperament & Intelligence of the Pom a Nauze

The fun-sized Pom a Nauze is a friendly and affectionate dog that loves attention. They can get a little clingy if they feel they’re not getting the attention they think they need. They’re very intelligent and learn new things quickly and easily, even though they can be stubborn at times.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 👪

The friendly and loving Pom a Nauze makes an excellent family pet. They will love everyone in the family, from the youngest child to grandma and grandpa. If there are small kids in the family, introduce your Pom a Nauze to them slowly and with care. Small children should be taught how to play safely with a small dog that can easily be injured during rough play.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽 

If introduced properly, a Pom a Nauze can live in harmony with another dog. Because a Pom a Nauze is loyal and loving to their family, they can become jealous of another dog getting the attention. But this jealousy won’t typically amount to much more than pouting, so there’s nothing to worry about.

If you plan on bringing a cat into your family, introduce them to your Pom a Nauze with care. A Pom a Nauze and a cat can get along famously when the pair has time to get used to one another, so don’t be surprised if they end up being best friends!

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Things to Know When Owning a Pom a Nauze:

When you own a Pom a Nauze, you’ll have plenty of fun, but before you adopt one, there are a few things you need to know.

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

A Pom a Nauze is an easy dog to feed because they’re small and don’t have special nutritional demands. However, they need a well-balanced diet to stay healthy. You can feed a Pom a Nauze dry kibble or wet dog food and talk to your vet for feeding tips and brand recommendations.

Since they are prone to getting fat, be sure not to overfeed your Pom a Nauze. Giving them a tasty dog treat occasionally is okay as long as you don’t go overboard.

Exercise 🐕

A Pom a Nauze is an active dog that needs regular exercise. If you don’t have a fenced yard for your dog to run free, you can play games inside and take them on daily walks. They prefer playing with their owners and need around an hour of daily exercise.

Training 🎾

As an intelligent dog, a Pom a Nauze is easy to train and requires less repetition than many other dogs. They will listen to your commands and respond appropriately because they are eager to please. Just be sure to take a positive, upbeat approach to the training and keep it fun! Your little Pom a Nauze is a fun-loving dog that should be a joy to train!

Grooming ✂️

With their wiry, medium-length hair, the Pom a Nauze requires regular brushing to keep their fur healthy. Two grooming sessions a week should suffice. This dog doesn’t need to be bathed frequently, but a bath is necessary if they get dirty outside.

You’ll need to keep their nails trimmed and ears clean, which are relatively simple tasks. Most Pom a Nauzes shouldn’t take long to get used to the process. If you’re uncomfortable clipping your dog’s nails, find a groomer who will do the job for you, or ask your vet.

Health and Conditions 🏥

Pom a Nauze dogs are hybrids and are generally healthy. However, like most canines, they are prone to some health issues you should be aware of.

Minor Conditions
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Dental Problems
  • Allergies
Serious Conditions
  • Von Willebrand’s Disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease
  • Urinary crystals and stones
  • Myotonia Congenita

Dogster divider_v2_NEW_MAY_24_Male vs Female

It can be tough to pick between a male and female Pom a Nauze because both sexes have lots to offer.  In a nutshell, if you want a less needy and independent dog, go with a female. If you want a lap dog that acts clownish, a male is the way to go. As far as size goes, a male Pom a Nauze has a slightly larger build with more muscle mass than their female counterparts

3 Little-Known Facts About the Pom a Nauze

1. It’s Not a Breed Recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC)

The AKC does not recognize the Pom a Nauze as a legitimate breed. However, the Pom a Nauze is recognized by the American Canine Hybrid Club and the Designer Dogs Kennel Club, among others.

2. It’s No Fan of Solitude

Like the Pomeranian, the Pom a Nauze isn’t a dog that enjoys spending time alone. If they are left alone for an extended time, they’ll bark excessively or engage in destructive behavior.

3. It Tends to Get Fat

While a Pom a Nauze is a small dog weighing under 15 pounds, they’re vulnerable to weight gain, like the Miniature Schnauzer. To keep your Pom a Nauze trim and fit, talk to your vet to develop a healthy diet and provide enough daily exercise, including daily walks and games.



The fun and lively Pom a Nauze is an exceptional canine that’s loyal and loving. This adorable little dog can live in an apartment without any issues as long as they get the exercise they need every day. If you’ve decided to get a Pom a Nauze, there’s no doubt that your home will be filled with joy and laughter.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: Left – skorchanov, Pixabay; Right – PublicDomainPictures, Pixabay

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