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If there were a dog prison, stereotypes would dictate that the Pitbull and Mastiff mix would rule the roost. After all, who in their right mind would challenge a hybrid of the large Mastiff and the powerful Pitbull?
Nonetheless, despite their infamy due to stereotypes, well-raised Pitbull Mastiffs are some of the sweetest dogs you will ever meet.
The Pitbull Mastiff mix can be a cross between any breed of Pitbull and Mastiff, as there are several. However, the most common breeds here are the American Pitbull Terrier and Neapolitan Mastiff.
Breed Overview
25–30 inches
100–140 pounds
8–12 years
Black, brown, white, red, brindle
Suitable for:
Active people or families with older children, experienced dog owners
Loyal and friendly
As with any other hybrid, the inherent traits of your Pitbull Mastiff will depend on the specific parents. As such, Pitbull Mastiffs, even from the same litter, can vary considerably in both appearance and behavior. Nonetheless, the baseline traits for this mix are well-defined muscular bodies with calm demeanors. The Pitbull Mastiff mix, therefore, best suits experienced dog owners looking for a large guard dog.
Pitbull Mastiff Mix Characteristics
Pitbull Mastiff Puppies
Before you buy Pitbull Mastiff pups, you should know that they are among the fastest-growing dogs out there. These fellas can weigh as much as 30 pounds by 3 months, 70 pounds by 6 months, 80 pounds by 9 months, and well over 100 by 12 months. As such, you should be prepared to handle a big dog within no time.
Pups that come from breeders are typically expensive but will have proof of health, which comes in the form of the health certificates of both parents. What’s more, a reputable breeder will allow you to see the pup’s mother and even father if they are around. In fact, always insist on seeing the parents’ health certificates before you buy a pup, as that is one way of vetting the authenticity of a breeder. They should also allow you to view the pup together with the mother.
Lastly, before you set out looking for a breeder, first ask for recommendations from your vet, as they more than likely know good breeders, as well as those to avoid.
Temperament & Intelligence of the Pitbull Mastiff Mix
As mentioned, despite their reputation, Pitbull Mastiffs are not the aggressive, ferocious monsters that some people make them out to be. However, while there are traits that are standard to a breed, you should never forget that every dog is an individual, meaning that training and socialization plays a major role in how a dog’s personality turns out.
Going back to the generally expected traits, the Pitbull Mastiff is a large dog that loves people, as they’re bred from parents whose base traits are affection and loyalty to their owners.
Pit Mastiffs are also incredibly intelligent as well as watchful, which are also traits that are characteristic of their parents. Thanks to their high levels of intelligence, Pit Mastiffs are highly perceptive animals, capable of discerning your thoughts and mood simply by looking at you and adjusting their behavior accordingly. This is why you must always be in check of your feelings and emotions when around this dog, as you do not want to transmit negative energy to them.
Pit Mastiffs can also be incredibly energetic, especially if they take after their Pitbull Terrier parent more. This makes them the perfect dogs for families or people that love the outdoors.
However, due to their loyal nature, Pit Mastiffs crave constant companionship. They do not do well when left alone for extended periods. In fact, these dogs have been known to suffer from separation anxiety, which is a condition that can affect both their mental and physical health.
Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡
The size and strength of Pitbull Mastiffs make them ill-suited for families with small kids, as they can injure them unintentionally.
Therefore, even though Pit Mastiffs enjoy human companionship and are remarkably tolerant of small children, it is on you to teach the kids how to handle the dog with respect. For starters, they should always give the dog their space when eating, as that is when a dog is most likely to lash out.
If you insist on having a Pit Mastiff despite having small kids, then ensure that all their interactions are supervised.
Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽
The issue with Pit Mastiff mixes not getting along with other pets comes from their American Pitbull Terrier lineage. American Pitbulls, by nature, have an extremely high prey drive. What’s more, they like to dominate their territories. When you combine those traits, you get a dog that might be a danger to other animals around them if you do not take the necessary measures.
These measures involve socializing the pup from an early age with other dogs and animals.
Things to Know When Owning a Mastiff Pitbull Mix:
Food & Diet Requirements 🦴
The Pit Mastiff is a big dog with a big appetite. However, this does not mean that they should spend their day eating, as the breed is highly susceptible to obesity. Most people feed their Mastiff Pitbulls 3–4 cups of dog food twice a day. However, according to experts, it is best to feed them four times instead.
This means that you will reduce the amount of food that you give them per meal, which helps prevent overfeeding and bloating.
When choosing dog food for your Pit Mastiff, always ensure that it mostly consists of high-quality animal protein.
Exercise 🐕
The exercise requirements of a Pit Mastiff vary from dog to dog. If the dog takes more after the American Pitbull parent, you will have to give them lots of exercise, as American Pitbulls are extremely energetic. This means that you will have to take them on long walks or runs. If you don’t, the dog might develop destructive behaviors in a bid to let out pent-up energy.
If your Pitbull Mastiff takes more after their Mastiff parent, a short walk should suffice, as Mastiffs are generally lazy dogs.
Training 🦮
While all dogs require training and socialization from an early age, it is especially important to Pit Mastiffs, given their size and strength.
Though intelligent, Pit Mastiffs can be difficult to train thanks to their strong-willed nature. As such, they can be incredibly stubborn, which means that you must exercise patience when dealing with these animals.
Also, since they tend to be dominant, you must exude confidence to get them to trust you.
When training a Pitbull Mastiff mix, you will get the best results whenever you use positive reinforcement. Using negative techniques, such as coercion and aggression, often leads to behavioral problems. Therefore, when your dog follows a command to a tee, make sure that they know how much you appreciate them by giving them a reward.
Start training and socialization when they are still small and manageable. This will allow them to interact with other animals safely.
Keep in mind, however, that Pit Mastiffs are easily bored. Therefore, keep the training sessions short and sweet.
Grooming ✂️
Fortunately, thanks to their short coats, Pitbull Mastiffs do not have extensive grooming needs. Occasional brushing and bathing them when they start reeking doggy odor might be all you have to do to take care of these big boys.
However, if your Pitbull Mastiff inherits face wrinkles from their Mastiff parent, ensure that you inspect the wrinkles regularly to prevent the accumulation of dirt and pathogens.
Make sure that you also clean out their ears, brush their teeth, and clip their nails regularly.
Health and Conditions ❤️
Just as with any other cross-breed, Mastiff Pitbull mixes are healthier than their parents. However, they might be predisposed to conditions associated with large dogs, including hip dysplasia, hypothyroidism, and kidney problems. As such, ensure that you schedule regular vet appointments to ensure that your pooch stays in good condition.
Male vs. Female
Whether to get a male or female is a choice that depends on you entirely. If you want to breed, then choosing a female is obvious. If you’re interested in personality, you will find that females tend to be sweeter than males. Males are more “fun” since they are more willing to engage you in buffoonery. Nonetheless, males can also be a handful when they mature, which is why you should consider neutering them.
3 Little-Known Facts About the Pitbull Mastiff Mix
1. They Are Incredibly Sweet
Despite the stigma associated with Pit Bull Mastiffs, they are some of the sweetest dogs you will ever meet.
2. “Bad” Pitbull Mastiffs Aren’t Bad; They Are Raised Poorly
Due to their size and power, some people rear these dogs as status symbols. As such, they do everything to make them aggressive and tenacious. Due to their extreme power, poorly-raised Pit Mastiffs do a lot of damage when they get the chance, which is why bad news regarding this mix will always spread like wildfire.
3. They Are Strong-Willed
Make no mistake about it; Pitbull Mastiffs are bold, courageous, and purpose-driven, meaning that they will take charge if you do not. As such, you must exhibit the traits of a leader for this dog to respect you; otherwise, you will have 140 pounds of bad attitude on your hands.
- You may also want to read: Bullmastiff Names: Tough, Cute & Perfect Ideas for Your Bullmastiff
Final Thoughts
The Pitbull Mastiff mix is a designer dog meant for people looking for a large and powerful guard dog. Though sweet to family members, they can be a danger to others due to their protective nature. Therefore, it is important to train and socialize this dog breed from an early age so you can get them to play well with others. All in all, the Pit Mastiff is a great dog that will make for an excellent companion.
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