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How Strong Is a Kangal’s Bite Force? (PSI Measure & Facts)

Written by: Savanna Stanfield

Last Updated on April 29, 2024 by Dogster Team

kangal dog face close up

How Strong Is a Kangal’s Bite Force? (PSI Measure & Facts)

We’re sure you’ve heard the expression about a dog’s bark being worse than his bite. However, one dog that this statement doesn’t apply to is a Kanga since they have the strongest bite force of any breed. Although these dogs are large, they don’t tend to be aggressive as long as they are treated right. Instead, that strong bite goes back to the breed’s history and the purpose it served.

A Kangal, also known as an Anatolian Shepherd, is a dog from Turkey. There, they protected sheep and other livestock from predators, including wolves, bears, and boars. These predators aren’t gentle by any means, so it’s important for a Kangal to have a strong bite force to be effective at keeping them away. Below, we’ll examine the Kangal’s bite force and compare it to that of other breeds.

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What Is a Kangal’s Bite Force?

The bite force refers to the strength of an animal’s bite. Although Kangals don’t have the strongest bite force of any animal, they do have the strongest bite of any other dog breed. The bite force is measured in pounds per square inch, or PSI for short.

The bite force PSI measurement for a Kangal is a whopping 743 PSI. That’s why they are commonly used as protectors of livestock and people. Once an animal (or a person) gets a bite from a Kangal, they won’t come near them again.

For comparison purposes, the dog breed with the next strongest bite force is the American Bandog, with a bite force of 730 PSI. The Rottweiler, another common guard dog, has a bite force about half as strong at 328 PSI. A German Shepherd, commonly used as a police dog, only has a bite force of 238 PSI, while a human bite force averages around 160 PSI.

Image Credit: Marry Kolesnik, Shutterstock

What Is a Kangal’s Bite Force Compared to Other Animals?

Even though a Kangal has the strongest bite force of any breed, it pales in comparison to the Saltwater Crocodile. It has a bite force of 3,700 PSI! A list of some animals with the strongest bite forces include:

  • American Alligator- 2,125 PSI
  • Hippopotamus- 1,800 PSI
  • Bull Shark- 1,350 PSI
  • Gorilla- 1,300 PSI
  • Polar Bear- 1,200 PSI
  • Grizzly Bear- 1,160 PSI
  • Hyena- 1,100 PSI

However, many consider other predatory animals more dangerous, and their bite forces aren’t as strong as Kangal’s.

  • Lion- 650 PSI
  • Grey Wolf- 406 PSI
  • Cougar- 350 PSI

As you can see, a Kangal has a stronger bite force than the predator targeting livestock in Turkey: the gray wolf.

Kangal Dog
Image By: klenger, Shutterstock

Can a Kangal’s Bite Break a Bone?

The best answer to this question is that it depends on the bone. The femur is the strongest bone in the human body, which requires about 4,000 Newtons of force to break. 4,000 Newtons is the equivalent of around 899 PSI. Since a Kangal’s bite force is only 743 PSI, it is highly unlikely for their bite to break a femur. However, it is possible that a Kangal could break a smaller bone, such as a bone in the finger or hand.

Even so, a bone isn’t likely to break due to just the bite from a dog. Instead, more damage is likely to occur when a dog bites down and then shakes their head. If a Kangal bites you, it is likely to cause bruising or even draw blood. In some cases, the bite of a Kangal can result in death if they bite someone in the neck or hit a major artery. However, it is very rare for this to happen to a human, as Kangals usually only bite predatory animals that they perceive to be threats to the livestock they guard.

Are Kangals Dangerous to Have as Pets?

The large size of a Kangal is intimidating enough (they can weigh up to 150 pounds), but now that you know their bite force, it can make them seem even more dangerous. Using common sense around large, powerful canines is always a good idea when you don’t know how strong they are. Kangals are generally not aggressive, and they don’t bite unless provoked or sense a threat.

In terms of having a Kangal as a pet, it should be fine as long as you train and socialize them properly. They are more protective of their humans than they will be dangerous to them. Kangals aren’t the most affectionate dogs; they tend to be independent.

However, Kangals are patient and loyal toward their humans, including children and other pets. If you have kids, you don’t have to worry too much about your Kangal hurting them as long as you watch them closely. They can be territorial and don’t care much for strangers or anything that appears to be a threat to those that the Kangal is loyal to. This makes them good guard dogs to have around your home and farm.


Final Thoughts

Of all dog breeds, the Kangal has the strongest bite force. Because of this, it is understandable if you’re concerned about having a Kangal as a pet. But you shouldn’t let the strong bite deter you from having the opportunity to love one of these dogs, as it is very rare that they turn their bite to humans.

A Kangal’s bite is mostly reserved for livestock predators since they were originally bred to be herders and protectors of farm animals. However, if you’re still concerned about the bite of a Kangal, you can find several other large pups with less powerful bits.

Featured Image Credit: pmwtastro, Pixabay

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