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How Much Do Cardigan Welsh Corgis Cost? 2024 Price Guide

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 26, 2024 by Dogster Team

Cardigan Welsh Corgi

How Much Do Cardigan Welsh Corgis Cost? 2024 Price Guide

If you’re thinking about bringing a new dog into your home, you need to know how much you’re going to spend. From the initial cost to the monthly bills, getting it all right and ensuring you have enough money for everything is extremely important. To get the dog, you can expect to spend anywhere from a couple hundred to well over a thousand dollars, depending on whether you’re adopting or using a breeder. This doesn’t take into account any additional costs from food, supplies, health care, or grooming.

There’s a lot to go through, so it’s best to break everything down category by category. That’s exactly what we’ve done for you here, so just keep reading, and we’ll help you get a realistic expectation of how much you can expect to spend to get and care for a Cardigan Welsh Corgi.

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Bringing Home a New Cardigan Welsh Corgi: One-Time Costs

From purchasing your new pup to getting their dog bowls and the rest of the supplies they need to thrive, there are plenty of one-time costs you’ll need to factor in when purchasing a Cardigan Welsh Corgi.

While you won’t need to factor this money into your new monthly budget, you will need to have it upfront to afford one of these pups in the first place!

cardigan welsh corgi puppy
Image Credit: Liliya Kulianionak, Shutterstock


It’s doubtful that you’ll find anyone giving away a Cardigan Welsh Corgi for free, but if you do you can write off this expense entirely. But unless you have a friend who’s doing you a big favor by giving you a free pup, a free Cardigan Welsh Corgi will probably be a bit older or have a few health problems.

They’re worth a lot to breeders, so finding one for free is a really rare occurrence.


  • $100–$500

While it’s unlikely that you’ll find a Cardigan Welsh Corgi at a pound or another pet adoption location, sometimes it’s possible to find a mix of the breed, and occasionally, a purebred will find its way to the shelter.

If you stay diligent and patient, it’s possible to find one at a shelter. Just keep in mind that shelters will often charge a little more for these types of dogs and use that money to care for other dogs there.


  • $1,200–$3,000

This is the way most people get their Cardigan Welsh Corgi. It’s the most expensive option, but if you’re waiting for another way to get a Cardigan Welsh Corgi, you might never get one.

The price for a puppy from a breeder varies quite a bit, but always get a health guarantee, a full medical history of the parents, and references before purchasing a Cardigan Welsh Corgi.

welsh cardigan corgi-pixabay
Image By: Rosewait, Rosewait, Pixabay

Initial Setup and Supplies

  • $415–$585

Even after you get your puppy, you’re not done spending money yet. While you might be able to save some money by bargain shopping for some of these things or reusing things you already have, other things like ID tags and microchipping are unavoidable expenses with a new pet.

Go through our list below and figure out what you need to help you get a rough estimate of how much more you’ll need to spend after getting your puppy.

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List of Cardigan Welsh Corgi Care Supplies and Costs

ID Tag and Collar $20
Spay/Neuter $100–$200
Microchip $50
Bed $30–$100
Nail Clipper (optional) $25
Brush $10
Leash/Harness $50
Toys $50
Carrier $55
Food and Water Bowls $25
cardigan welsh corgi lying on grass
Image Credit: Svetlbel, Pixabay

How Much Does a Cardigan Welsh Corgi Cost Per Month?

When it comes to caring for your Cardigan Welsh Corgi, there are a ton of factors to consider. From what you’re going to feed them to vet bills, it all adds up. It’s easy to overlook things, which is why we took the time to break down each category and what you can expect to spend here.

This way, you can come up with an accurate estimate of how much you will need to spend each month to care for your Cardigan Welsh Corgi.

Health Care

  • $95–$295 per month

You spend a ton of money getting your Cardigan Welsh Corgi and everything they need; the last thing you want to do is neglect them when they get into your home! This means getting them the healthcare they need, a high-quality diet, meeting their grooming needs, and fulfilling any medications they might need.


  • $30–$150 per month

This cost varies greatly depending on what you want to feed your dog. A high-quality kibble will cost about $30 a month for a Cardigan Welsh Corgi, but if you decide to go with wet food or a fresh food option, it’ll cost significantly more.

No matter what food option you go with, pick a high-quality option. Skimping on the quality of dog food now will only turn into higher vet bills and a lower quality of life for your dog in the future.


  • $5–$20 per month

This is one area where it doesn’t cost much to own a Cardigan Welsh Corgi. They’re not hypoallergenic, so you don’t need to take them for grooming appointments, although you can take them for nail trimmings if you don’t feel comfortable doing it yourself.

Either way, you should spend a little bit of money getting toothpaste and brushing their teeth so they don’t develop dental problems in the future.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi in Road
Image Credit: Serova_Ekaterina, Shutterstock

Medications and Vet Visits

  • $10–$25 per month

While you shouldn’t need any medications right away for your Cardigan Welsh Corgi, as they get older, it’s certainly possible. We recommend putting a little back each month early on to help offset this potential cost later in their life.

Not only that, but you’ll need to have a little put back to cover exam fees and other vet expenses that pet insurance won’t cover.

Pet Insurance

  • $50–$100 per month

You never know what’s going to come up with your pet’s health, so getting them on a pet health insurance plan early is crucial. To help give you a level monthly payment for all their expenses we recommend adding a preventative health plan with this too.

When you add it all up you can expect to spend between $50 to $100 a month on the premium while putting a little back each month to cover the deductible whenever you need to use the plan.

Environment Maintenance

  • $0–$5 per month

This is another area where you usually don’t need to spend a ton on a Cardigan Welsh Corgi, especially after training them. All you need is to keep up with the waste bags when you take them out on a walk.

While we recommend getting some waste bags specifically for cleaning up dog waste, you can also use plastic bags from the grocery store or something similar instead.


  • $30–$45 per month

Cardigan Welsh Corgis need toys to play with, and they’re notorious for chewing through toys at an alarming pace. Because of this, we recommend signing up for a toy subscription service of some sort.

Not only will this ensure they always have toys to play with if they’re destroying them, but it’ll also give them a variety of toys to pick from them to keep them mentally stimulated. Costs for these subscription toy boxes vary depending on the number of toys in each box, the quality of the toys, and the frequency of delivery.

welsh corgi cardigan dog and his owner
Image Credit: Krichevtseva, Shutterstock

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Total Monthly Cost of Owning a Cardigan Welsh Corgi

  • $125–$420 per month

While spending a few hundred dollars each month to care for your dog might seem like a lot, when you break down everything you need to do for them, it all quickly adds up. Ensure you have enough in your monthly budget to account for the new pet, that way you don’t get them only to realize you can’t afford everything they need.

Additional Costs to Factor In

While everything above is a great monthly budget, sometimes miscellaneous expenses come up that you’ll need to account for. For instance, sometimes, with pet insurance, you’ll need to cover the full deductible, which can range anywhere from $100 to $1,000, depending on the plan you go with.

Not only that, but they might need behavioral training early on, and they’re notorious for chewing and damaging furniture as they first learn how to navigate their environment. Finally, if you plan on taking trips, you’ll either need to account for the additional expenses that come with taking them, or you’ll need to pay for a pet sitter to watch them while you’re gone.

Hungry Welsh corgi Pembroke or cardigan puppy eats from ceramic bowl standing on fleecy carpet
Image Credit: Masarik, Shutterstock

Owning a Cardigan Welsh Corgi on a Budget

If you’re on a tight budget, there are a few different ways you can keep your monthly costs down. First, choose a dry kibble over any other type of food. While you don’t want to sacrifice quality, dry kibble costs significantly less than wet or fresh food and still meets all of your dog’s nutritional needs.

From there, we recommend shopping for toys at a store like Walmart or Amazon and only purchasing what you need instead of going with a subscription box. We don’t recommend skimping on pet insurance because if something happens to your pet, this will only leave you in a tighter financial situation than you are now.

Saving Money on Cardigan Welsh Corgi Care

Other ways you can save a little money on caring for your Cardigan Welsh Corgi include having friends or family watch them while you’re away on vacation or trimming their nails yourself.

From there, we recommend feeding them a high-quality diet, avoiding table scraps, and ensuring they meet all their daily exercise needs to keep them happy and healthy and reduce the likelihood of higher vet bills in the future.

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Final Thoughts

Now that you have a better understanding of just how much getting and owning a Cardigan Welsh Corgi will cost, you can make an informed decision about whether or not getting one is right for you and your family.

While they undoubtedly make adorable pets with great personalities, when you add up all the costs that go into owning one, it can be a bit pricey. But now that you have a better idea of what to expect you can go into everything with your eyes wide open and do whatever it takes to properly care for the addition to your family!

Featured Image Credit: Welshea, Shutterstock

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