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How Big Will My Basset Hound Get? (with Growth Chart)

Written by: Kristin Hitchcock

Last Updated on July 1, 2024 by Dogster Team


How Big Will My Basset Hound Get? (with Growth Chart)

When you have a Basset Hound puppy, one of your main concerns may be how big they’ll get. Basset hounds are smaller dogs, but they do vary somewhat in size. Sometimes you can predict how big a particular puppy will get by looking at their current age and size.

For instance, if a puppy is at the upper end of the weight scale for their age, then they may turn out to be larger into adulthood. At the age of 2 years, they can weigh between 40–65 pounds.

Below, we’ll take a look at how big Basset Hounds get, including a growth chart.


Basset Hound Breed Overview

Basset Hounds are originally from France and Belgium, where they were bred as a hunting breed. They have adorably floppy ears, extremely short legs, and a long nose. Their ears help “sweep up” the scent from the ground, which helps them follow trails a bit easier. Plus, their short legs also make them closer to the ground, which, again, helps with scent work.

These adorable dogs are very affectionate and playful. They’re rather friendly with other people and animals, making them good pets. However, they are true hounds, which makes them stubborn—they aren’t the easiest animals to train.

Female Basset Hound
Image Credit: Ewa Studio, Shutterstock

Basset Hound Size and Growth Chart

Age Weight
1 month 3–5 pounds
2 months 10–15 pounds
3 months 15–25 pounds
4 months 20–30 pounds
5 months 25–35 pounds
6 months 30–40 pounds
7 months 30–45 pounds
8 months 35–45 pounds
9 months 35–50 pounds
10 months 40–55 pounds
11 months 40–45 pounds
12 months  40–60 pounds
Adult (2 years) 40–65 pounds

When Does a Basset Hound Stop Growing?

Basset Hounds typically stop growing at around 12 to 15 months.

With that said, dogs may continue to “fill out” until they’re 2 years old. Dogs tend to gain their full height and then gain some extra fat and muscle. Sometimes, Basset Hounds may reach their full height and length at 8 months, taking several more months to gain body mass.


Factors Affecting the Size of Basset Hounds

There are many factors affecting the size of the Basset Hound. One of the biggest factors is genetics. Basset Hounds with bigger parents will typically be bigger. If you know how big your Basset Hound’s parents were, you’ll have a better idea of their final size. Gender can also play a role. Males tend to be a bit bigger than females. However, this isn’t always the case.

Your Basset Hound needs to eat a proper diet to grow to their full size. Otherwise, they may not grow correctly—no matter what their genetics say. Therefore, you should feed your puppy appropriate puppy food. Avoiding overfeeding or underfeeding, as both of these can cause health problems.

Exercise can also affect how much a Basset Hound weighs. Those who aren’t kept fit may be obese, meaning they’ll weigh more than they’re meant to. You should provide moderate exercise to your Basset Hound.

basset hound training
Image Credit: Aneta Jungerova, Shutterstock

Ideal Diet for Maintaining a Healthy Weight

You should feed your Basset Hound an appropriate food for their life stage. Puppies need specially formulated puppy food, as they require different nutrients, and adults need adult food. Senior Basset Hounds often need a senior dog food. However, this isn’t always necessary. If your older dog is doing fine on their adult dog food, just leave them on their regular food.

Basset Hounds that are gaining too much weight should be placed on a diet dog food. Don’t simply lower the amount of food your dog is eating, as this can cause nutritional deficiencies. Diet dog foods are low in calories but nutrient-rich, helping ensure your dog is getting everything they need while eating fewer calories.

How to Measure Your Basset Hound

To measure your Basset Hound’s height, place the dog against a door frame. Put your hand about where the dog’s shoulders are, and then measure the difference between your hand and the floor. Having an extra person to help can be extremely useful.

To measure your dog’s weight, it’s often best to measure yourself first. Then, weigh yourself holding your Basset Hound. The difference between the weights is how much your canine weighs. You can also use a pet scale. However, many owners don’t have these scales lying around, and it can be hard to get your dog to stand on them.



Your Basset Hound likely won’t get very large. They’re smaller dogs, after all. However, they do vary a bit in size. Some of them are larger than others. You can somewhat tell how big your dog may get based on where they fall within their age group.

If you feel like your Basset Hound is falling out of the weight range, then you should speak to your vet. Sometimes, Basset Hounds may grow too quickly or too slowly, which can indicate an underlying problem.

See also:


Featured Image Credit: Mary Swift, Shutterstock

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