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24 Fun Facts About Maltipoos: Appearance, Origin & More

Written by: Ed Malaker

Last Updated on July 22, 2024 by Dogster Team

cute little maltipoo outdoors

24 Fun Facts About Maltipoos: Appearance, Origin & More

The Maltipoo is an incredible dog breed that many people enjoy having around the home, and if you are a new owner, you probably want to know everything there is to know about them. Keep reading as we present you with 24 incredible facts that will help you understand your pet better.

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The 24 Fun Facts About Maltipoos

1. The Maltipoo Is a Mixed Breed

The Maltipoo is becoming so popular that many might not realize that they’re a mixed breed. To create a Maltipoo, you must mix a Poodle with a Maltese.

Image Credit: Irsan Ianushis, Shutterstock

2. The Maltipoo Has Many Names

Though many people have settled on the Maltipoo name, depending on where you live, you still might hear them called other names, such as a Moodle, Multapoo, Maltipoodle, or something else.

3. The Maltipoo Name Has Different Spellings

The Designer Dogs Kennel Club1 spells the dog’s name as “Malt-A-Poo.” The Maltipoo Club of America spells it “Maltipoo,” and the North American Maltipoo club accepts “Maltipoo” and “Maltapoo.”

4. The Maltipoo Is a Light Shedder

While the Maltipoo still produces dander that can cause allergic reactions in many people, they don’t shed as much as many other dogs, so they won’t cover your furniture and floor with fur. They’re also easier to maintain than many other dogs because they aren’t always regenerating a new coat.

Image Credit: OlgaOvcharenko, Shutterstock

5. Maltipoos Have Smaller Litters

While many other dog breeds produce five to 10 puppies per litter, the Maltipoo averages only four to six.

6. A Full-Grown Maltipoo Can Weigh as Little as 5 Pounds

The size of your dog will depend on which parent they take after. For example, taking after the Poodle will produce a slightly larger dog, while taking after the Maltese will make a smaller puppy. An adult Maltipoo will usually weigh 5 to 12 pounds.

7. The Maltipoo Doesn’t Do Well in High Temperatures

Hot summer days can cause health problems for your pet, so most owners recommend taking your Maltipoo out at dawn or dusk, when the sun is lower in the sky, during the warmer months. They also get cold easily, so your dog must wear a sweater to stay warm if they must spend time outside in cooler temperatures.

Maltipoo sitting on the grass
Image Credit: 350543, Pixabay

8. Maltipoo Puppies Change From the First Generation to the Second

First-generation Maltipoo puppies are different from second-generation puppies because the first generation is the result of mixing a Poodle with a Maltese. The second generation is the result of combining a Maltipoo with a Maltipoo.

9. Different Poodles Affect Final Size

Most breeders create a Maltipoo from either a Miniature Poodle or a Toy Poodle. Miniature Poodles produce large Maltipoos, while Toy Poodles produce smaller ones.

10. The Maltipoo Is a Great Pet for Children

The Maltipoo likes attention, so it’s great to pair them with a child with plenty of energy and time. However, the child must be old enough to understand how to handle the dog because their small size makes them vulnerable to injury during rough play.

Image Credit: Elena Bennett, Shutterstock

11. You Can Purchase the Maltipoo in a Variety of Colors

One of the things that have helped the Maltipoo become so popular is that they’re available in many colors. White is the most popular, but you can also find black, blue, silver, red, grey, and even apricot.

12. Brown Is Not a Recognized Maltipoo Color

You might see a brown Maltipoo, but that color is not officially recognized, so you will hear many people refer to them as being chocolate or toffee color instead.

13. The Maltipoo Is Not a Mutt

Many people incorrectly refer to the Maltipoo as a mutt because they’re a mixed breed. However, the mutt title only applies to animals whose parents are unknown. Since the Maltipoo is intentionally bred, their parents are known, so they are not a mutt and instead are considered a designer breed.

maltipoo dog standing outdoor
Image by: noelle, Unsplash

14. The Maltipoo Is Available in Three Coats

Besides the many color options available for Maltipoos, they can have three coats: thick and curly, soft and silky, and wiry and wavy. The last one results from poor breeding, so it is the least popular.

15. Maltipoos Need to Wait to Have Puppies

While many dog breeds can start having litters at a young age, the Maltipoo will need to wait until they are at least 2 to 3 years old, to preserve the health of the female.

16. The Maltipoo Is a Social Dog

The Maltipoo breed is quite friendly and will often get along with other house pets, especially if you socialize them with other animals while they’re young.

owner holding his cute little maltipoo
Image by: OlgaOvcharenko, Shutterstock

17. The Maltipoo Has a Long Lifespan

The Maltipoo will usually live 12 to 15 years, and with careful maintenance and a bit of luck, you can extend it to 16 years, which is longer than many other dog breeds.

18. There Is No Proper Weight Range for a Full-Grown Maltipoo

Unlike many other dog breeds that have an average size and weight, the size of the Maltipoo can vary greatly depending on which parent they take after more. Therefore, there is no set acceptable weight range to follow. The only guideline is an unofficial weight of 5–20 pounds.

19. The Maltipoo Can Learn Many Tricks

Due to their Poodle parent, the Maltipoo is an intelligent dog that can learn many tricks. They also like attention and enjoy pleasing their owner, so they will work hard to understand what you are trying to teach them. Starting your sessions early, when they’re still a puppy, will help get them into a routine that will produce the best results.

Little maltipoo holding a stick
Image by: marketlan, Shutterstock

20. The Maltipoo Enjoys Company

The Maltipoo can spend time alone, but if you have long work days, you can expect them to become anxious. Once separation anxiety sets in, your pet will begin to bark frequently and may misbehave in other ways.

21. The Maltipoo Is Not a Watchdog

Though the Maltipoo is prone to barking when they’re home alone, they’re not great watchdogs because of their friendly and loving nature. They often make fast friends with strangers and will do little to prevent them from entering the home.

22. The Maltipoo Has Tear Stains

To a pet owner, it can look like the Maltipoo cries frequently, especially if they have a light coat. The reason is a condition that causes your pet to produce excessive tears that leak from the eye and stain the fur. It’s a common condition in many of these dogs, and it is easier to see on light hair.

Small brown fluffy dog maltipoo lies between two pillows on the sofa
Image by: Alex Boc, Shutterstock

23. Maltipoos Are Protective of Their Owners

While most people will talk about how friendly the Maltipoo is, they might be surprised that they can become quite aggressive when there’s a problem with their owner, especially if they sense a tense situation in which the owner is threatened or in danger.

24. The Maltipoo Needs Attention

Unlike many other dog breeds that just like to lie around, the Maltipoo will constantly demand your attention and will go to great lengths to acquire it, often performing wild stunts or hatching elaborate plans.

person carrying adorable maltipoo puppies
Image by: OlgaOvcharenko, Shutterstock

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The Maltipoo is a complex dog breed with many hidden personality facets to discover. This is a friendly dog that is easy to maintain and won’t make a mess out of your furniture. They will also get along with your family pets and enjoy playing with the children. However, they require constant attention, and you need to be careful that you don’t leave them alone too long or let them get too far out of their comfortable temperature zone, or they can start to bark and misbehave. If you meet these simple requirements, you will likely have a great friend for many years.

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Featured Image Credit: OlgaOvcharenko, Shutterstock

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