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Does a Great Dane Bark a Lot? Breed Facts & FAQs

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on April 5, 2024 by Dogster Team

harlequin great dane dog standing outdoors

Does a Great Dane Bark a Lot? Breed Facts & FAQs

It’s no wonder that Great Danes are such a popular breed. They are lovable creatures that enjoy snuggling on the couch with popcorn and an old movie. The Apollo of Dogs can certainly look intimidating because of its size, but what about its bark? The bark of a Great Dane can feel threatening, and you can hear it a block away, but does that mean they bark a lot?

The answer is no, Great Danes are not known to be excessive barkers, but they can develop a barking habit that can be corrected.

divider-pawThe Difference Between Barking and Talking

It is important to realize that Great Danes are a vocal breed. They often grunt, yawn, and “talk”, which is sometimes confused with barking by unknowing Great Dane owners. Yes, the boofing, roo-ing, and making noises are ways that Danes communicate with us so it’s important to know the difference.

Think of the famous Great Dane “Scooby Doo.” One of the reasons he was so verbal was because his character was based on the traits of the breed.

You certainly will not want to stifle your pet if it wants to have a conversation with you.

great dane looking back at some sound
Image Credit: velora, Shutterstock

What Makes Great Danes Bark?

While Great Danes are not known to be a barking breed, there are a variety of reasons for your pet to develop a barking habit.

  • Boredom: Boredom is one of the main reasons why a Great Dane will bark. Great Danes are a working breed that has limitless energy. Not getting the proper exercise will lead to pent-up energy that will be released by barking or being mischievous.

If you incorporate some training exercises to stimulate your pup, it will have less energy and enthusiasm for barking. You may also want to consider occupying the dog with food puzzles, interactive toys, or training games. The mental stimulation will help with the boredom.

Great dane dog in beautiful landscape
Image Credit: Al_Er, Shutterstock
  • Stranger Danger: Great Danes have a protective nature and will also bark any time they see a stranger as a threat. Your pup will continue to bark until you command it to stop or the stranger is gone.
  • Separation anxiety: Great Danes love to spend time with their humans and are prone to separation anxiety if left alone. So, if you leave it for even five minutes, they are known to whine and howl until you come home. Once you have returned, they may bark for a while because they are excited to see you.
  • Communication: While dogs use barking to communicate with their owners, it should only be done when it is necessary. So, you don’t want to stop your Great Dane from ever barking; you just want the dog to learn to control the behavior when it is not necessary.

divider-pawFinal Thoughts

Some say that Danes are barkers, and others disagree. The truth is that dogs will bark for various reasons, and if not corrected, it can become a habit. Great Danes like to be vocal, but they can be taught early on to control the barking and only do so when necessary.

Featured Image: Al_Er. Shutterstock

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