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Dach Griffon Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care & More

Written by: Oliver Jones

Last Updated on July 3, 2024 by Dogster Team


Dach Griffon Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care & More

Dach Griffons are a unique breed of dog that combines the best qualities of both parent breeds. A Brussels Griffon is usually associated with hunting and sporting, and a Dachshund is a short-legged, long-bodied breed used for tracking badgers in Germany.

The Dach Griffon combines these two types of dogs into one versatile package! A distinctive feature of this type of dog is that they have a long tail that curls up over their back and often hangs down to one side or other.

Breed Overview


12 – 18 inches


10 – 28 pounds


12-14 years


Tan, red, brown, black

Suitable for:

Experienced owners with patience


Affectionate, loving, cuddly, curious, intelligent

The Dach Griffon has an intelligent expression with lively, dark, almond-shaped eyes. The ears are triangular and stand erect when alert. This is a pet that will give you unconditional love. While this type of dog regularly seeks attention from its owner, they have an independent spirit as well!

If you’re looking to get a new furry friend but aren’t sure what kind will be the right fit for your household, then this article should help narrow down your options! Dogs come in many shapes and sizes, and finding the perfect match can seem like an impossible task. So, we’re here to give you some guidance on how to find your next best friend!

Dach Griffon Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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Dach Griffon Puppies

Depending on where you get your pet, you may need to get it vaccinated, microchipped, and spayed/neutered. You’ll want your new friend to feel right at home when they arrive, so you’ll need a few essential things. These things include a carrier or crate to transport your new pup, food and water bowls for their personal space, a bed/blanket/pillow, toys, and a leash.

When you bring a Dach Griffon puppy home, be ready to spend a lot of time in training sessions and playing with your dog because they love to be around their owners. They don’t like to be left alone, so make sure to have enough time to spend with your pup to avoid separation anxiety in your dog.

Parent_breeds_Dach Griffon
Image Credit: Left- Sabrinakoeln, Pixabay| Right – Catherine_P, Shutterstock

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Dach Griffon

The Dach Griffon is a breed that is very intelligent, social, and active. It’s a great family dog for those who live in apartments as it doesn’t need much exercise or room to play.

Their temperament also depends on which parent they take from the most. They do need a certain level of love and affection from their owner in order to feel safe and content. Some Dachs are fine being left alone for extended periods of time, while others are definitely not.

Another thing to keep in mind is that they don’t have a strong prey drive, so being too rough with your pet could scare them away from you entirely!

They are very intelligent dogs and are quick to learn new tasks and tricks. They love spending time with their owners so they can be taught more things or show off what they’ve learned before! Sometimes, though, their curiosity can get the better of them because they’ll explore everything around them with their nose and mouths and could get in trouble.

Are These Dogs Good for Families?

Their social and loving temperament makes the Dach Griffon a great breed for families. They are playful, and they love to get attention, so be prepared for them not wanting you to leave the house without a good goodbye!

The Dachs will get along very well with your children if they are old enough to play and interact, but sometimes they can be too rough or not patient enough for little kids who still need some time before jumping in and playing as the other family members do.

It’s important to note that Dach Griffons cannot live outside in a kennel because they are sensitive to cold and need human companionship. They will only feel happy if they have the opportunity for plenty of exercise, socialization with other dogs and people, as well as regular trips inside where they can nap and play.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?

The breed is very loyal and protective of its family, making them seem aggressive at times with other people or animals around the home. However, if they are socialized and trained well from a young age, they can be just as gentle as other animals.

Once socialized, the Dach Griffon will get along with any animal in the home – dogs, cats, hamsters, chickens even! They are very social by nature, so there is no need to worry about this breed having an issue that would cause it not to get on well within your household.

In addition, the Dach Griffon is not a very active breed and will most likely be fine with other animals of similar temperament as long as they are introduced in a friendly manner.

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Things to Know When Owning a Dach Griffon:

Food & Diet Requirements

The Dach Griffon is a relatively small dog, and an adult will only need about 600 to 800 calories per day. This breed tends to become overweight, so it is crucial to monitor their diet and provide them with the appropriate amount of exercise for their weight.

They are not very active dogs by nature, which can cause obesity if they do not get enough physical activity daily. It would be best if you fed your dog high-quality food that includes a healthy dose of lean protein, fiber, and omega fatty acids.

Try to keep a consistent feeding schedule, aiming to feed your dog around the same time of day, two to three times per day.


The Dach Griffon breed is not very active, and the majority of exercise they need should come from walks or playtime with their owner.

This small dog will enjoy a good game of fetch, but it would be wise to avoid games that have them running around excessively, such as soccer, because this can cause serious health problems such as obesity, joint pain, or heat stroke.

The general consensus is that they need about 40 minutes of physical exercise each day. You’ll benefit from it, too, since your pet will sleep better and be healthier.


Dogs of any breed require some form of obedience training, so they know what their boundaries are within your home, such as not jumping on guests or chewing up items you don’t want them to chew up!

Training should start at around six months old since this is when pups will begin exploring the world outside their den. There are tons of different ways you can train your pet; just make sure whichever way you choose is considered positive reinforcement.

They are sensitive creatures, so methods like scolding and punishment will only make them more timid and fearful. However, with the proper techniques, you can teach your furry friend many tricks like giving the paw, bringing the ball back, and rolling over.

This is also a great way to teach your pup some special signals, like “sit” or “stay”.

It’s important not to overwhelm them with too many commands at once because they can get confused! Instead, start out by teaching them one new thing at a time, so it becomes more of a game than work for them.

Grooming ✂️

This particular breed sports a smooth, short coat that doesn’t need much upkeep. But they are at risk for some skin conditions like dry, flaky skin and hot spots, so it’s important to stay on top of their grooming routine.

One way you can do this is by brushing them regularly- several times a week if possible! The best brush for the task would be a pin brush, which is a long-haired brush with metal pins on the extremity.

We recommend using a comb or fine toothbrush to get in between their toes and nails, paying extra attention there since they don’t have much fur around those areas for protection against dirt and bacteria.

If you want to bathe your pup, we suggest doing it very sparingly. A good rule of thumb is to bathe them about once a month, but you can do it every other week or so during the shedding season. The shedding season for Dach Griffons occurs during the colder months, so if you live in a warmer climate year-round, it won’t be an issue. If not, you’ll want to pay extra attention during those months.

Dach Griffons are prone to eye infections, so be sure to clean them with a damp cloth and then dry off the area. Their nails also need to be trimmed on occasion- one of those tools designed for dogs will work great!

Health and Conditions

As with any dog breed, there are some health conditions to be aware of for the Dach Griffon. Yearly check-ups are recommended to make sure your pup is in good shape, but keep an eye out for these conditions so that you can act swiftly if problems arise.

Minor Conditions
  • Canine Acne
  • Allergies
Serious Conditions
  • Obesity
  • Arthritis
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Addison’s disease
  • Cancer

Minor Conditions:

Dach Griffons can also suffer from minor conditions that are not life-threatening but can put a damper on your pet’s life quality.

One condition that they can get is canine acne, which is a common problem for dogs with skin sensitivities. This usually isn’t too serious, but if it gets to the point where your pet has ulcers or wounds on their body, then you should have them checked out by a vet ASAP.

Another minor but annoying issue would be allergies- this issue will be noticeable by their red, itchy skin, and/or watery eyes. It can be hard to pinpoint what exactly they’re allergic to, but consult your vet about how best to proceed if you notice symptoms.

Some of the most common allergens are pollen, dust mites, and even certain foods. The good news is that you can get an antihistamine or allergy medication to help ease symptoms like itchiness, wheezing, coughing/barking at nothing in particular, etc.

Serious Conditions:

It’s a well-known fact in the dog community that Dach Griffons are prone to obesity. The reason for this is that they have a higher calorie intake than other breeds. While obesity might not seem that serious at first, it can lead to a whole bunch of health issues. It can cause diabetes, heart problems, and joint pain, to name just a few.

So be sure that you’re feeding your pup the right amount for their size and age- it’s essential! If they are overweight, then cut back on the food until they reach a healthy weight again. Also, be sure that you’re not overfeeding your pup with treats or snacks since they love them a little too much.

You can try changing their diet to a high-fiber one that’s lower in calories. If this doesn’t work, then talk to your vet about giving them diet pills.

Other serious conditions that can affect the Dach Griffon are arthritis, hypothyroidism, Addison’s disease, and cancer. If you notice these symptoms start to show up, then it’s best to visit your vet right away.

Regardless of what’s happening with your pet, it’s important to closely monitor their appearance and behavior. This will help you identify when something is going wrong- anything from an ear infection, a bladder infection, or even cancer!

The sooner that any problem is identified, the better your pet’s chances are of recovering fully.

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Male vs Female

When deciding on the sex of your new pet, it’s not too important when considering what kind of pet you’re looking for.

Some people want female dogs because they are better at being a ‘lapdog.’ This is not true, and both genders of the breed will be equally affectionate with their owners as long as socialization has been completed during puppyhood.

If your dog is not spayed or neutered, you should expect to see behavioral problems associated with sexual frustration.

Male dogs will mark their territory, fight, and increase the likelihood of developing tumors related to the prostate gland and testicles. Female dogs may be more aggressive in protecting their home if they go into heat- this is a natural response for them due to hormones kicking in.

Physically, male and female Dach Griffons are almost identical. The only difference is that males will typically be slightly larger than females and have a longer coat.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Dach Griffon

1. The Dach Griffon Comes from the Sausage Dog

Indeed, they come from the Dachshund, a German dog used for hunting badgers. The Dachshund breed did not only became popular because of its uncanny ability to hunt and point but because of its endearing demeanor.

With their elongated bodies and short legs, this dog is commonly dubbed “Sausage dog.”

2. They Are Not Hypoallergenic Like the Griffon

The Dach’s other parent breed, the Brussels Griffon, is a small dog that was bred to be used in European kitchens. As a result, they were always around food and cooking smells, which led them to become very scent-driven dogs obsessed with finding things like truffles or mushrooms buried under leaves.

Griffons are also recognized as being hypoallergenic, making them a better choice for those with allergies. Surprisingly, Dach Griffons take more from the Dachshund because they cause reactions with allergy sufferers.

3. The Dach Griffon Has Excellent Hearing

The Dach Griffon has a very high level of hearing and most likely hears everything you do in your household.

This can lead to them developing separation anxiety, so they must be given enough time with their owners!

Such a developed organ will require maintenance. In addition, their ears make them prone to ear infections which means once every month or so, you should get your Dach Griffon’s ears cleaned professionally or at home.

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Final Thoughts

Dach Griffon is the captivating mix between a Dachshund and a Brussels Griffon. The result was an affectionate breed that integrated perfectly into human life.

If you’re looking for a dog that can be your best friend and family member, the Dach griffon might just be it. It has such an elevated level of intelligence that makes it difficult to train at times since they are less interested in basic games like fetch.

Even with their lower energy levels, this breed’s love and affection have made it great with kids!

They will require lots of attention and affection from their owners since being left alone too often may cause depression in this breed. Make sure not to overfeed these dogs either because they have been known to become obese quickly.

If you’re curious and passionate about the animal kingdom, check out our blog for more information about other intriguing animals like the Dach Griffon!

Looking for more crossbreeds? We have a full suite of Dachshund Mixes and Brussels Griffon Mixes!

Featured Image Credit: CC0 Public Domain, pxhere

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