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8 Brussels Griffon Mixes (With Pictures)

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 24, 2024 by Dogster Team

Dach Griffon

8 Brussels Griffon Mixes (With Pictures)

If you’ve always thought that the Brussels Griffon was adorable and wanted one, you might also be interested in a mixed breed with a Brussels Griffon parent. There are quite a few to choose from, so you might have a hard time making up your mind about which is the best choice to give a forever home. Here are eight Brussels Griffon mixes, along with details about them to help you with your decision.

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Top 8 Brussels Griffon Mixes

1. Bea Griffon (Brussels Griffon x Beagle)

Bea Griffon
Image by: MVPaine312, Pixabay

A mix between the Brussels Griffon and a Beagle, this dog is adorable and easy to love. The breed is small, weighing in at around 24 pounds tops and only reaching 15 inches in height. They live from 12 to 15 years and have a moderate barking problem due to their Beagle heritage.

Unfortunately, the Bea Griffon isn’t considered hypoallergenic, so if you have allergic reactions to dogs, you might want to steer clear of this one. Otherwise, this breed is friendly, social, playful, loving, energetic, and spirited enough for any family. This dog gets on well with children and other pets, so they are an excellent choice if you have both.

2. Broodle Griffon (Brussels Griffon x Miniature Poodle)

broodle griffon on bed
Image by: Okssi, Shutterstock

The Broodle Griffon is a cross between a Brussels Griffon and a Miniature Poodle. This mix isn’t common, but they are affectionate and loving to the families who are lucky enough to have one. This adorable mix is a small breed, topping out at only 10 inches tall and 12 pounds. They are loving, social, well-behaved, playful, and even-tempered.

If you’re a first-time dog owner and want a dog that is easy to train and can be considered hypoallergenic, this is the perfect breed for you. The lifespan of the Broodle Griffon is 10 to 15 years, and they bark occasionally. They do well with families and other pets.

3. Dach Griffon (Brussels Griffon x Dachshund)

A cross between a Brussels Griffon and a Dachshund, this is one adorable mix. With a lifespan of 12 to 14 years, this lively, happy puppy would be an excellent choice for a family or a person living alone. However, when it comes to children, you want to make sure the Dach Griffon is trained and socialized as a puppy so everyone will get along.

It is possible for this mix to have a hypoallergenic coat. They top out between 10 to 28 pounds and stand about 11 inches tall. This breed does well with apartment living but does tend to bark frequently. They’re intelligent but might be a bit difficult to train, so you’ll need to start early.

4. Griffonshire (Brussels Griffon x Yorkshire Terrier)

This cute-as-a-button mix is a cross between a Brussels Griffon and a Yorkshire Terrier. An occasional barker, this cutie lives for between 10 and 15 years and averages between 7 and 10 pounds, making them a small breed. They will reach a height of between 7 and 10 inches and are a somewhat active breed. They are considered hypoallergenic, so if you have a problem with mild allergies, this might be a good breed for you.

This dog is known to be lively, cheerful, happy, and super intelligent. So, if you’re looking for an alert, energetic breed to adopt as your own, the Griffonshire is ideal. With the proper socialization and training, they can also be good with children and other pets.

5. Sniffon (Brussels Griffon x Miniature Schnauzer)

A cross between a Brussels Griffon and a Miniature Schnauzer, you can’t get much more adorable than this mix. This small breed tops out at around 15 pounds and stands from 10 to 14 inches in height. They have an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years and might be considered hypoallergenic. If you’re searching for a dog that will do well living in an apartment and is bright, lively, and people oriented, you need to adopt a Sniffon.

This breed is easy to train but isn’t great with children. However, they’ll be fine with other pets as long as they’re trained and socialized as a puppy and on into adulthood. This breed is also a cross between an occasional and frequent barker, so take that into consideration when making your choice.

6. Chussel (Brussels Griffon x Chihuahua)

The adorable Chussel dog is a cross between a Brussels Griffon and a Chihuahua. These small dogs grow to be between 6 and 9 inches and 5 and 12 pounds, making them tiny and beyond cute. They typically bark occasionally, but some bark frequently, so keep that in mind. They make great family pets, are eager to please their family, and are smart little dogs.

This breed is happy, energetic, semi-active, and playful most of the time. They can be hypoallergenic and are good with children and other pets if they’re properly socialized and trained when they’re puppies.

7. Shiffon (Brussels Griffon x Shih Tzu)

Shiffon_rachnelson, pixabay
Image by: rachnelson, pixabay

An extremely cute cross between a Brussels Griffon and a Shih Tzu, the Shiffon is a small pet that can be 8 to 15 pounds and 8 to 11 inches in height. They can be hypoallergenic and are semi-active with occasional barking.

The Shiffon is quite rambunctious, friendly, protective, and cheerful. They make great companions and can live in an apartment. They make great family pets and do well with other animals.

However, due to the Brussels in them, they don’t do that well with children if they aren’t socialized and trained early. So, if you adopt a Shiffon, make sure to train them and start socializing them as soon as you get one to ensure that they will be okay with any children they come in contact with.

8. Brottweiler (Brussels Griffon x Rottweiler)

Brottweiler dog
Image by: Myriams-Fotos, Pixabay

The Brottweiler is a medium to large dog. A cross between the Brussels Griffon and a Rottweiler, these pets can reach anywhere from 45 to 80 pounds and live for 10 to 14 years on average.

An occasional barker, this breed can be considered hypoallergenic. Known to be protective, intelligent, dependent, bold, affectionate, and sensitive, this dog is a bit of everything. Rottweilers are good with children and make great family pets, though Brussels Grffions are iffier. However, with the proper training and socialization, this mixed dog will get along fine with pets and children alike.

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Final Thoughts

These are the Brussels Griffon mixes that you should know about when you’re looking at this breed. Remember, though, every dog is different, no matter the breed, so choose wisely and always purchase from a reputable breeder or adopt from an animal rescue instead.

Featured Image Credit: cynoclub, Shutterstock

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