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Brindle Boston Terrier: Facts, Origin & History (with Pictures)

Written by: Ashley Bates

Last Updated on May 30, 2024 by Dogster Team

Boston Terrier posing in garden

Brindle Boston Terrier: Facts, Origin & History (with Pictures)

A Boston Terrier is an American original—born and raised in the USA. Brindle is one of the three amazing colors that these mushy-faced dogs can sport. If you love the coat color and want to learn all you can about the breed, we have plenty for you to know. Let’s learn more!

Breed Overview


16–17 inches


15–25 pounds


11–15 years


White, blue, silver, red, brown, gray, black

Suitable for:

Low Shedding, amiable, gentle


Affectionate, modest, playful, agreeable

Boston Terriers are fun-loving little dogs that have so much love to give their families. These little dogs proudly answer to the nickname “American Gentleman” due to their modest demeanor and agreeable nature.

Brindle is among three color combos in the breed standard. The others are the classic black and white and the rare seal and white. Here, we will go over breed origins and other fun facts that apply to the brindle color variation and the breed as a whole.

Brindle Boston Terrier Breed Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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The Earliest Records of Brindle Boston Terriers in History

Boston Terriers are among the very few breeds that are 100% American-made. As the name implies, these dogs hail from Massachusetts. They were developed from two parent breeds: the English Bulldog Terrier and the white English Terrier.

The original two parents were a Bulldog (Judge) and an English Terrier (GYP). They initially had some health issues from inbreeding. The breed has made strides since with quality.

Before the AKC caught wind of this up-and-coming breed, the Boston Terrier Club of America was developed in 1891. They quickly became the favorite dog in the area, named after their hometown in Boston.

Brindle Boston terrier puppy
Image By: Alta Oosthuizen, Shutterstock

How Brindle Boston Terriers Gained Popularity

This breed quickly gained popularity because of their adorable appearance and overall chipper demeanor. From 1905 to 1939, this breed was dubbed the most popular dog in America. After their popularity surge, the Boston Terrier became the mascot for Boston University in 1979.

They have maintained their reputation through the years, although they have taken a backseat to other more desirable breeds today (such as the French Bulldog and Labrador Retriever.)

Formal Recognition of Boston Terriers

As we mentioned above, the first formal recognition of this breed was created solely for the breed itself—the Boston Terrier Club of America.

The AKC accepted this breed into their graces in 1893. Brindle is an original color in the Boston Terrier breed standard. There are different acceptable brindle variations: brindle and white, seal brindle and white, and black brindle and white.

Brindle Boston Terrier with luggage
Image By: Lina Ermolaeva fotoart, Shutterstock

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Top 7 Unique Facts About Boston Terriers

Can’t get enough of the Boston? Here are a few fun facts you might not know!

1. The Boston Terrier Is the Massachusetts State Dog

Not all states have a state dog, but Massachusetts sure does! This dog was native to Boston, and they have a special place in the heart of the city for this breed.

2. Boston Terriers Bred for Organized Fighting

It might surprise you to know their original purpose once you figure out how wonderfully sweet these animals are. These dogs were actually bred for pit fighting! The original Boston Terrier was much stockier and somewhat larger than the version you see today.

Brindle Boston Terrier dog licking lips
Image by: everydoghasastory, Shutterstock

3. Boston Terriers Snore a Lot!

Boston Terriers are a brachycephalic breed. That means they have a short skull with protruding eyes. The shortened snout creates more airway obstruction, leading to frequent snoring. You might even hear them making lots of breathing noises during wakeful states.

4. Boston Terriers Are Notoriously Gassy

Is any one dog breed gassier than the other? Boston Terriers actually are! Again, this contributes to the fact that they are a brachycephalic breed. Their short muscles cause them to take in more air, producing more gas.

5. President Ford Had Two Boston Terriers

Former U.S. president Gerald Ford had two Boston Terriers, which he named Fleck and Spot. These dogs were childhood pets. You can find some pretty adorable photos of Gerald as a young man with his beloved Bostons.

6. Boston Terriers Can Be Hard to House Train

Even though the Boston Terrier is a swift learner, they can have a few issues with potty training. They are small dogs with little bladders, which makes it harder for them to hold their waste anyway.

But it might take a little longer for them to get into the swing of things than some other breeds. That doesn’t mean they’re incapable of learning, as these dogs are very trainable.

Boston Terrier Dog at the beach
Image by: rebeccaashworthearle, Shutterstock

7. Boston Terriers Are Occasionally Used in Hybridized Breeding

You might see a Boston Terrier used in a hybrid breed. One good example of this would be a Frenchton, which takes a French Bulldog parent and a Boston Terrier parent to make a perky-eared, lightweight, handsome little dog.

But that’s not all! They are also frequently mixed with Pugs, Pits, Beagles, Bulldogs, and Chihuahuas. They bring a great, laid back personality and some brachycephalic qualities to the gene pool to make some exciting new faces!

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Do Brindle Boston Terriers Make Good Pets?

A brindle Boston Terrier, or a Boston Terrier in general, makes an extremely wonderful companion for many families. Whether you’re a single owner or you’re part of a growing family, this is undoubtedly a suitable breed for most.

Boston Terriers get along with everyone despite age or activity level. They might be adventurous little dogs, but they are pretty content by your side. So, they make lovely additions to folks who are aging or have certain disabilities.

Because of their gentle nature and calm demeanor, they make extremely wonderful first-time dogs for children. All children should learn to respect any dog’s boundaries, but this is certainly a patient pooch. They don’t carry true terrier traits, such as dominance and bossiness.

Boston Terriers often get along with other pets as well. So whether you have cats, other dogs, or even chickens, Bostons can get along quite well with just about anything. That is not to say they should ever be left unattended with smaller animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs, and other cage animals. Supervision is always key.

Boston terriers are known to have a few genetic health issues, but with reputable breeding, most of these problems can be avoided. So, you might need to spend more money and vetting than for some other breeds.

Ultimately, the Boston terrier is going to make an exquisite addition to your home. Learn all you can about the breed before committing, just to be sure they are a good match for your lifestyle.

Brindle Boston Terrier Dog Playing
Image Credit: studio photo, Shutterstock

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The brindle Boston Terrier is simply a color variation of the Boston Terrier breed. They come in three different brindle tones: standard brindle, seal brindle, and black brindle. You can choose whichever one you think is the most beautiful.

Always remember to purchase from a reputable breeder to avoid any genetic health issues that might be in the bloodline. Most Boston Terriers fit in with any different lifestyle you could imagine. Enjoy this cheerful, adorable breed.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: Ruben PH, Shutterstocks

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