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Bea-Tzu (Beagle & Shih Tzu Mix): Pictures, Info, Care Guide & More

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 23, 2024 by Dogster Team

Bea-Tzu_12122, Pixabay

Bea-Tzu (Beagle & Shih Tzu Mix): Pictures, Info, Care Guide & More

If you’re looking for a dog that’s good with children, active, loving, and intelligent, then the Bea-Tzu is the dog for your family. The Bea-Tzu is a mix between two purebred dogs, the Beagle and the Shih Tzu, making them small enough for apartment living and just big enough to run around the backyard of a small house.

They’re incredibly loyal and make good watchdogs. The fact that they aren’t aggressive makes them perfect companions and great to have around children. The puppies grow to be small-to-medium-sized dogs, perfect for snuggling on the couch while you watch TV.

Breed Overview


9 – 15 inches


15 – 25 pounds


10 – 15 years


Brown, cream, white, black, gray, black, and tan, tricolor

Suitable for:

Families with children, families living in apartments


Active, affectionate, intelligent, loyal, playful, protective, stubborn

They are adorable in appearance with short legs and a head that’s large when compared to the rest of their body. Their large floppy ears and fluffy curved tail make them super cute and unique when it comes to dog breeds. In this guide, we’ll walk you through a complete guide of the Bea-Tzu, so you can decide if this adorable pup is the right choice for your family.

Bea-Tzu Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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Bea-Tzu Puppies

The Bea-Tzu puppy is energetic and loves to play with its owners. As a cross between the Beagle and the Shih Tzu, your puppy could be likely to develop health conditions that his parents might have suffered from.

Bea-Tzu puppies are highly social, playful, and affectionate, but they are a bit hard to train. However, if you have the time and are patient enough to train this cuddly pet, they make great companions.

The Bea-Tzu is a loyal and protective dog. Keep in mind that they do need weekly grooming and training sessions so be sure to have the time for this.

Image Credit: Left-  ngrz3s, Pixabay | Right – Yarnawee Nipatarangkoon, Shutterstock

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Bea-Tzu

The Bea-Tzu is a loyal, sweet, and intelligent breed. She loves to cuddle, likes plenty of affection, and enjoys playing with her owners. This breed can also be protective of the family she feels is a part of her pack. Your Bea-Tzu companion will be loyal, playful, and loving with you and your family. Dedicated and committed, this breed is very easy to fall in love with.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 👪

The Bea-Tzu is an excellent choice for families with children. The breed is loyal and affectionate, loves to play, and has very few aggression issues. Since they love to spend time indoors and outdoors, they’re great companions for whichever type of family you are. They get along just fine with children, but be sure all interactions are supervised.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?

It is important to note that any breed of dog can have problems with other pets without early socialization and training, including the Bea-Tzu. However, if you socialize your dog as a puppy, the Bea-Tzu will be okay with other pets in the home. Make sure that you socialize them early on, so they don’t develop small dog syndrome. Since the Bea-Tzu is a relatively active breed, they do have a habit of chasing smaller animals, but that’s usually just as a way of entertaining themselves, not with the intention of hurting other pets.

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Things to Know When Owning a Bea-Tzu:

If you’re considering giving a Bea-Tzu puppy a forever home, there are a few things that you’ll need to know about first. We’ll go into a few of those things in the next section of our guide.

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Since the Bea-Tzu will grow to be a small-to-medium-sized dog, you need to feed your canine companion according to their size. You, of course, want to feed your dog foods that help fight diseases that are common to their breed and common to dogs in general. If you’re unsure of which type of food or how much to feed your pet, consult your vet for help.

If your dog tends to overeat, then feeding him twice a day is recommended. If you feel your dog is becoming overweight, make an appointment with your local vet for an examination and help on developing the best feeding schedule for your Bea-Tzu.

Exercise 🐕

While the Bea-Tzu breed is a high-energy dog, they are still moderately active and love to play indoors or outdoors. For exercise, one long walk a day or a visit to your local park to play should suffice. Taking your dog to the park will not only let him run off any excess energy, but it’s also the perfect time to teach socialization skills. If you instead have a backyard that your Bea-Tzu exercises in, make sure it’s fenced in for the dog’s safety and large enough for them to have room to run.

Training 🎾

As previously stated, training a Bea-Tzu puppy can be quite a task. They are prone to stubbornness and tend to not do a thing they don’t want to do, including housetraining. The best way to train your Bea-Tzu puppy is with a consistent, patient, yet firm hand.

Note that the Bea-Tzu isn’t going to respond well to scolding or negative reinforcement because they are not only obstinate but intelligent and sensitive. Positive reinforcement and patience are essential to successful training, as negative reinforcement could lead to behavior problems in your pup as they grow.

Grooming ✂️

Since the Bea-Tzu is a crossbreed of the Shih Tzu and Beagle, they have a coat that tends to be soft, straight, and silky. Even though they aren’t big shedders, they do need to be groomed several times a week. To keep your Bea-Tzu in prime condition, it’s best to brush them daily. Make sure to pay special attention to their face because the hair is longer in that area, and you don’t want it to become matted.

Ensure that you use a mild shampoo when bathing your Bea-Tzu, paying special attention to their floppy ears. If you’re not able to keep up with trimming your dog’s nails or grooming them, it is best to take them to a groomer every 1 to 2 months instead.

Health and Conditions 🏥

As with any animal, you’re going to have health problems, both major and minor, to deal with. Since the Bea-Tzu is a crossbreed, it is possible that he could develop the same health conditions that his parents had. In this section, we’ll cover both serious and minor conditions to look out for in your Bea-Tzu.

Minor Conditions
  • Allergies
  • Reverse Sneezing
  • Dwarfism
  • Ear Infections
  • Dental Problems
Serious Conditions
  • Epilepsy
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Kidney Problems
  • Liver Problems
  • Intervertebral Disk Disease
  • Hip Dysplasia

Minor Conditions:

Beagles have a history of developing eye conditions and skin conditions, which means your Bea-Tzu could end up with either. The Shih Tzu is prone to ear infections and abnormal eyelids as well.

Keep a lookout for the above minor conditions, which your vet should be able to treat quickly. Your Bea-Tzu could inherit skin, eye, and dental problems, as well as some number of allergies and reverse sneezing.

Serious Conditions:

Beagles are often susceptible to epilepsy and prone to kidney disease, so it’s possible that your Bea-Tzu will develop these conditions later in life also. Shih Tzu’s are prone to hip dysplasia, and both are prone to kneecap dislocation. If your Bea-Tzu experiences any of the symptoms of the above conditions, contact your vet right away for an appointment and treatment.

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Male vs. Female

There are differences between the male and female Bea-Tzu, just as there are with other breeds of dogs. The females are smaller and a little bit lighter. Other than spaying or neutering the pair, if you’re not going to breed them, there are very few differences between the two. As for behavior differences between the male and female, it’s according to how each is raised and socialized when they’re still puppies.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Bea-Tzu

1. The Bea-Tzu Has Been Recognized by the American Canine Hybrid Club

The Shih Tzu and the Beagle have long been a part of the American Kennel Club, but their offspring, the hybrid Bea-Tzu, won’t be getting in anytime soon—as most hybrids aren’t. However, as a pet parent of a Bea-Tzu, you don’t have to worry. The breed has been recognized by the Dog Registry of America, the American Canine Hybrid Club, the Designer Breed Registry, the Designer Dogs Kennel Club, and the International Designer Canine Registry.

2. The Bea-Tzu Is Not Easy To Train

As cute and loveable as the Bea-Tzu are, the breed is not one of the easiest breeds to train. The breed has an obstinate, stubborn streak, so if you’re looking for a dog that trains with ease, this breed isn’t for you. Housetraining can be a real issue, but it can be for all small breeds, to be fair.

3. The Bea-Tzu Isn’t The Biggest Breed Around

Considering the Bea-Tzu is a crossbreed of the Beagle and Shih Tzu, they’re never going to grow into huge dogs. The Bea-Tzu is instead petite and made to be cuddled, loved, and played with. Though the breed does have a dominant, protective streak, so they will protect your family the best way they know how.

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Final Thoughts

All in all, the Bea-Tzu will make a great addition to a family. The breed is intelligent, affectionate, loyal, protective, and requires a lot less grooming than the Shih Tzu they are crossbred from. The Bea-Tzu breed does have a bit of a stubborn streak, so that’s something to watch out for. However, if you train them early in life and make sure to use positive reinforcement and a firm hand, this dog will make you a loyal, loving companion for life.

If you’re looking for a dog that loves spending time with his family and is protective without being aggressive, then the Bea-Tzu is the perfect pet for you and your family.

  • Looking for more crossbreeds? We have both beagle and shih tzu mixes!

Featured Image Credit: 12122, Pixabay

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