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Bea Griffon (Brussels Griffon & Beagle Mix): Pictures, Traits, Info & Care

Written by: Kristin Hitchcock

Last Updated on July 23, 2024 by Dogster Team

Bea Griffon

Bea Griffon (Brussels Griffon & Beagle Mix): Pictures, Traits, Info & Care

The Bea Griffon is a crossbreed between a Brussels Griffon and a Beagle. Because this is a mixed breed, it can be difficult to determine exactly what their appearance and temperament will be. They will likely inherit traits from both of their parents, but exactly what traits they inherit is completely random.

While this breed isn’t considerably popular, they have become more popular over the last few years along with many other mixed breeds.

Breed Overview


8 – 15 inches


12 – 24 pounds


12 – 15 years



Suitable for:

Those looking for lap dogs


People-oriented, Friendly, Stubborn

This breed’s personality is difficult to pin down. They are usually affectionate lapdogs, which makes them perfect options for those that simply want a dog to lay around with. They are well behaved dogs in apartments and other small living spaces. They’re suitable for city living due to their small size and well-behaved nature. They are usually very loyal to their owners and can be a bit unsure around strangers.

These dogs aren’t terribly smart or eager to please, which can make training difficult. They aren’t going to be competing in any high-stakes obedience competition, but their level of trainability is generally suitable for most owners.

Bea Griffon Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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Bea Griffon Puppies

Bea Griffons are difficult to find at a breeder. There are not many breeders that specialize in this mixed breed. When you do find them, it is likely to be the result of accidental breeding. You may find them at shelters and rescues, where you will have to pay an adoption fee to cover the care of the dog while it was in the shelter, as well as any vaccinations and medical fees the dog built up.

If you do purchase this dog from a breeder, the price can vary greatly Brussels Griffons are quite expensive, but Beagles generally aren’t. You may need to fly to pick up the puppy, depending on how far away the breeder is. Be sure that you factor in the price of travel when planning on adopting a puppy.

When you bring a Bea Griffon home, you’ll have a loyal pup by your side. They tend to have calm attitudes but are not great at training. It is very important to socialize them from a young age so they grow to be friendly around other dogs and animals.

Parent breeds Bea Griffon
Image Credit: Left – christinescha, Pixabay, Right: PublicDomainPictures, Pixabay

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Bea Griffon

The temperament of this dog varies widely. They may act more like a Beagle or more like a Brussels Griffon. You really don’t know until the dog is grown. Puppies often change their personality considerably as they become older and hit sexual maturity.

Generally speaking, this breed usually makes a good indoor dog that can adapt to nearly any living space. They are perfectly suitable for a larger rural home, as well as apartment living. As long as they’re with their people, they don’t particularly care where they are. They don’t have high exercise needs, so they don’t need a lot of room by any means.

They are affectionate dogs that love to cuddle. If you’re looking for a dog to lay on the couch with you, this may be a suitable option. They can be one-people dogs due to their extreme loyalty. They may easily attach themselves to one person and remain somewhat aloof to everyone else. They may not be the best option for families for this reason.

These dogs are quite intelligent. However, they were not bred to be easy to train. For instance, the Beagle was bred to track completely independently without the need for a human’s input. For this reason, they can be a bit difficult to train. Most go through stubborn patches where they may refuse to listen to commands. It isn’t that they can’t learn the commands, but more so that they don’t feel the need to listen to them.

To be friendly, it is essential that these dogs are well-socialized when young. They aren’t particularly territorial or anything of that sort, but they can be rather aloof towards new people and animals if not properly socialized. It isn’t that they aren’t friendly, but they can be a bit untrusting with people they don’t know. This also comes from their tendency to be one-person dogs. They may be perfectly fine with visitors but will likely continue to follow their favorite person around.

This dog prefers to be involved with the family and is extremely people-oriented. They’re not suitable if you’re extremely busy and plan on leaving the dog at home for much of the day. They need considerable attention from the people in their lives to remain happy and content.

Are These Dogs Good for Families?🧑‍🧑‍🧒

They can be. However, their small size means that they can easily be injured by smaller children, which means that fear-biting is more common than it would be for larger dogs. They should always be supervised with children to ensure that the child is treating them correctly. All children in the household should be taught how to handle the dog. They may not put up with particularly energetic children that don’t understand how to properly interact.

Their small size makes them more likely to be scared of children, which usually makes them unsuitable for families with small, rambunctious kids.

In families with older children, these dogs can fit in perfectly. They can easily keep up during family outings but are equally capable of hanging out on the couch. If they attach themselves heavily to one person, they may be aloof with others, though. For this reason, they may not be the best option for families where many individuals will want affection from the dog.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?

As long as they are socialized from an early age, this breed tends to get along just fine with other pets. They aren’t particularly territorial or aggressive towards other dogs. In fact, they tend to be rather laidback and pack-oriented.

Just like any other breed, though, they can become aloof and aggressive towards other pets if they are not socialized. If they haven’t seen another dog since they were a puppy, they are going to be very unsure when you bring another dog into the house. Regular socializing is recommended.

These dogs can be a bit unconfident in their interactions with other dogs due to their smaller size. They can easily become fearful. Lots of positive, safe interactions with dogs starting at a young age can prevent this fear, though. If interacting with other dogs is a normal part of their life, they tend to be quite accepting and friendly.

Typically, this breed can get along with cats and similar animals as well. They may have a bit of a prey drive, but early socialization can counteract this. If you plan on having cats, we recommend introducing the dog to cats when they are a puppy – before they can do much harm. Reward the dog when they don’t pay attention to the cat or interact with the cat appropriately.

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Things to Know When Owning a Bea Griffon:

Food & Diet Requirements🦴

This breed typically doesn’t have any specific dietary needs. They are smaller dogs, so they don’t eat a terribly huge amount.

This may make it more affordable for you to feed them a higher-quality diet. We recommend feeding them a diet high in meat and protein. While these dogs aren’t particularly active, a high-quality diet can help them thrive and be their best. Plus, there is always the chance that it can prevent health problems later on.

These dogs aren’t particularly prone to any food allergies, so they typically thrive on a grain-inclusive diet. There is little reason to feed them a grain-free diet, as they aren’t particularly prone to any health problems related to grain. In fact, in many cases, they’ll benefit most from a grain-inclusive diet.

Of course, if your dog does develop some sort of health problem, you should speak to your vet about any potential diet changes your dog may benefit from. While these dogs aren’t prone to any health problems that are directly related to diet, that doesn’t mean that they can’t develop them at all.

Exercise 🐕

These intelligent dogs love to see what’s going on throughout the world. Technically, they aren’t particularly active and don’t need tons of regular exercise. However, they love to tag along with their people and will enjoy excursions out – even if it means that they have to walk a little bit. They do need at least a short walk every day. If you have a fenced-in backyard, you can utilize it instead and give them a few minutes of playtime.

They enjoy being with their people when they exercise. This often means that they prefer to play games with their family rather than exercise by themselves. You cannot trust them to get the appropriate amount of exercise by themselves when left in a fenced-in area. Instead, a few minutes of interactive playtime is required.

As intelligent dogs, they love games that allow them to stretch their brain and body at the same time. Things like hide-and-seek and agility are all solid options.

Because of their low exercise need, this dog adapts readily to apartment living. They are a great dog to have in the city due to their smaller size and laidback nature. However, they will happily settle in the country as well.

You should not allow these animals off-leash to exercise. They have a very good nose and love to follow trails. It isn’t unusual for them to get on a trial and then wander off miles. It is very easy for them to get lost in this manner.

Training 🎾

While these dogs are quite loyal, they aren’t particularly easy to train. This is largely because of their tendency to be stubborn. They are intelligent and can readily learn commands of all sorts. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll listen to you when you give them a command. They almost always need a bite of food on the line, and even then, that doesn’t always guarantee that they’ll listen.

It isn’t that they’re purposefully stubborn or trying to ignore you. They were simply bred to work without listening to a human, so they often don’t – even as companion animals.

We recommend early and often training with these dogs. Puppy classes are a great option, especially since it allows them to socialize as well. As they get older, you should keep up their training regimen, even after they have mastered many of the basic commands. This may help a bit with their stubbornness, especially if treats are a regular part of their training.

Grooming ✂️

Usually, these dogs don’t require much maintenance. Their coats do a good job of maintaining themselves and don’t require much care from their human companions. The dog will shed a moderate amount, though this will considerably vary depending on the genes that the dog inherits. Some may hardly shed at all, while others will shed considerable amounts.

To remove this loose hair, we recommend a brushing session once to twice a week. This dog will likely “blow their coat” when the seasons change. During these periods, you will need to brush them more. You may even want to consider visiting a groomer during this time, as the amount of hair the dogs lose can be significant.

This breed usually doesn’t require much brushing as long as they don’t get physically dirty. If your dog rolls in mud or something unpleasant, they will likely need a bath. Otherwise, we don’t recommend regular baths, as you can wear their natural oils down and cause skin problems.

You should check their ears often, as they may be prone to trapping dirt and other debris. If not removed, this dirt can cause ear infections. Some dogs are more prone to these than others. Regular ear infections can cause ear problems and hearing loss.

Like all dog breeds, you should brush their teeth and trim their nails regularly. These are basic parts of dog grooming that you aren’t going to escape with any breed. It is best to start these things when the puppy is young so that they can get used to them. Otherwise, your dog may fight you quite a bit as they get older.

Health and Conditions 🏥

These dogs aren’t prone to any particular health problems. They draw from a large gene pool, which eliminates most of the genetic problems suffered by other breeds. They aren’t particularly small either, so they don’t have trouble with their blood sugar like some toy breeds.

Hip dysplasia can be a problem if the dogs are fed incorrectly as puppies. This condition occurs when the hip joint does not grow evenly, which leads to wear and tear. Eventually, arthritis forms. There is no cure for this disease. Instead, the focus is on keeping the dog as pain-free as possible.

Epilepsy and hypothyroidism are more common due to the Beagle genes. However, these are rare, since only one parent is a Beagle.

Minor Conditions
  • Patellar Luxation
  • Skin Allergies
Serious Conditions
  • Epilepsy
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hip Dysplasia

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Male vs Female

There is not a significant difference between the males and females of this breed.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Bea Griffon

1. They can be one-people dogs.

It isn’t unusual for these dogs to bond closely with one or two people and remain aloof to everyone else. Of course, because they are a mixed breed, this can vary considerably from dog to dog. It is difficult to know exactly how a dog may act until they are already grown, but don’t be surprised if these dogs absolutely have a favorite person.

2. They may “bay.”

Instead of barking like a normal dog, it isn’t unusual for this mixed breed to bay like a Beagle. Some puppies may do a mix between baying and barking. Their bay may be a bit higher-pitched than a full-blood Beagle. Just don’t expect them to sound like the usual, small dog.

3. The Bea Griffon is very people-oriented.

While these dogs aren’t considered active, they do like to be involved in whatever their people are doing. This makes them great for city living. In rural areas, they will love to hike and tag along on longer walks. However, due to their small legs, they can’t quite put in the milage that a larger dog can. Many will happily trek for miles if it means being with their people, though.

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Final Thoughts

The Bea Griffon is an increasingly popular mixed breed that is a great fit for both city and country living. They don’t require much exercise or maintenance, making them very easy to look after lap dogs. If you’re looking for a dog to lay around much of the day with you, this may be a suitable option. Of course, this breed also loves to go on short excursions with their family members. They enjoy short hikes but don’t necessarily need them to stay happy.

This breed isn’t the most trainable. They are intelligent, but this intelligence typically isn’t applied to learning and following commands. However, they are naturally well-behaved indoors.

If you’re looking for similar mixes, we have a full list of both Beagle Mixes and Brussels Griffon Mixes!

Featured Image Credit: MVPaine312, Pixabay

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