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Do Wheaten Terriers Shed? Breed Facts & Care Tips

Written by: Cassidy Sutton

Last Updated on May 16, 2024 by Dogster Team

Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier standing and looking directly at camera in green grass with yellow flowers

Do Wheaten Terriers Shed? Breed Facts & Care Tips


Dr. Chyrle Bonk Photo


Dr. Chyrle Bonk

DVM (Veterinarian)

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Interested in owning a Wheaten Terrier? Wheatens are excellent family dogs and watchdogs, and they do fairly well around other pets and children. And although they have long, golden strands of fur, Wheaten Terriers don’t shed much. Instead, the challenge with Wheaten Terriers is the maintenance of their fur. It requires daily grooming despite them not shedding.

In this post, we dive deeper into what it’s like owning a Wheaten Terrier and “shed” some light on coat maintenance.

What Are Wheaten Terriers Like?

Wheaten Terriers are friendly, cheerful Irish farm dogs. Like most terriers, their stubbornness shines through occasionally, but their devotion to their families is even stronger.

Wheaten Terriers share ancestry with the Kerry Blue and Irish Terrier, all known to be adaptable farm dogs for any job, although they excelled as watchdogs. After a good day’s work, Wheaten Terriers would snuggle with their families at night with the same happy attitudes they woke up with.

Because of their protective instincts, Wheaten Terriers can be cautious of strangers and other dogs (although they seem to have a soft spot for children). With time, they come to love those they trust.

soft coated Wheaten Terrier dog sitting in grassy ground and looking at camera
Image Credit: Wirestock Creators, Shutterstock

The Wheaten Terrier Coat

Terriers are well-known for having rough, wiry fur with a signature scruffy goatee, but Wheaten Terriers are the exception.

Although they still show off the hallmark facial hair, Wheaten Terriers have soft, silky fur with natural waves that remind you of a sandy beach or ripe wheat. Their luscious locks require more grooming to avoid matting, but their fur is stunning when brushed daily and bathed.

Our Favorite Products

Selecting the right shampoo and conditioner makes the world of a difference when grooming your pup. Our favorite products are the duo by Hepper. The Oatmeal Pet Shampoo is formulated with aloe and oatmeal to soothe skin and hydrate the coat. The Pet Conditioner works at eliminating tangles and taming frizz and static. Both products are pH-balanced and formulated with pet-friendly ingredients, free of harsh soaps, chemicals, and dyes. Give this duo a try to heal and nourish your dog's coat, and leave them with an irresistible just-left-the-spa cucumber and aloe scent. 

Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
Hepper Pet Conditioner and Moisturiser - Scented...
Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
Hepper Pet Conditioner and Moisturiser - Scented...
pH balanced
Gently cleanses
Cucumber & aloe scent
Free of harmful additives
Combats tangles & static
Soothes & hydrates
Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
pH balanced
Gently cleanses
Cucumber & aloe scent
Free of harmful additives
Combats tangles & static
Soothes & hydrates
Hepper Pet Conditioner and Moisturiser - Scented...
Hepper Pet Conditioner and Moisturiser - Scented...
pH balanced
Gently cleanses
Cucumber & aloe scent
Free of harmful additives
Combats tangles & static
Soothes & hydrates

At Dogster, we’ve admired Hepper for many years and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool pet company!


Are Wheaten Terriers Hypoallergenic?

Allergies to dogs come from different proteins found in dog dander, urine, and saliva, all of which can be spread around with shedding. Since all dogs produce some of these proteins, no dog is truly hypoallergenic, but depending on the type of proteins produced, some breeds tend to be more so.

These breeds typically shed less as well, decreasing the chances of spreading allergens around your home. Since Wheaten Terriers hardly shed or drool, they may be more ideal for some allergy-prone dog owners. Reduced shedding does come at a cost, as Wheaten Terriers require frequent grooming to remove that loose hair to prevent matting, so they may not be ideal if looking for a low-maintenance dog breed.

However, if you’re set on adopting a Wheaten Terrier, try exposing yourself to the breed and the individual a few times first to see if you have a reaction.

It could be that you’re more allergic to certain breeds but not the Wheaten Terrier. The only way to know is to spend some time around the dog.

brown soft coated wheaten terrier dog laying on a brown chair with a blurred background
Image Credit: Joseph Hendrickson, Shutterstock

How to Care for Your Wheaten Terrier’s Coat

Wheaten Terrier fur is truly spectacular when properly groomed. Still, it requires daily maintenance. If you’re willing to do the work, you and your Wheaten Terrier will reap the benefits. Both of you will enjoy the process soon enough.

Wheaten Terriers don’t have an undercoat that sheds, but you’ll still need to remove the loose fur. Using a pin brush, brush the fur to remove any dirt, debris, and dead hairs stuck in the coat.

Start with the back, then move down to the belly. Brush the hind legs and front legs, then finish with the tail. As you get closer to the backside, switch to a slicker brush if you have one. These brushes are designed to work through the dense fur around your dog’s butt.

Lastly, use a medium or fine-toothed metal comb to remove stubborn mats. If your Wheaten Terrier has matts beyond what your metal comb can remove, schedule an appointment with a groomer.

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Although they have long luscious locks, Wheaten Terriers don’t shed as much as you would think. Still, they require daily grooming to maintain their iconic golden coat.

If you need a low-maintenance dog, this may not be the breed for you. But if you’re set on a Wheaten Terrier and are willing to do the work, you’ll find the process of grooming a Wheaten Terrier to be just as enjoyable as the end result.

Featured Image Credit: bohemama, Shutterstock

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