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How Much Does A Papillon Shed? Facts & Grooming Tips

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on May 10, 2024 by Dogster Team

papillon dog getting combed

How Much Does A Papillon Shed? Facts & Grooming Tips

You may know that having a dog comes with some inconveniences, and loose hair is one of them. Although some breeds shed considerably more than others, if you have a low tolerance for or allergies to heavy shedding, knowing how much a dog is likely to shed is a crucial factor when choosing a new puppy.

We know that all dogs shed some hair now and then, but what about a Papillon? If you have your heart set on a Papillon, you will be happy to learn that they are known to be seasonal shedders. Several factors can affect how much they may shed, which we will discuss further in this article.

How Much Do Papillons Shed?

The American Kennel Club1 (AKC) categorizes Papillons as seasonal to frequent shedders, but their shedding is normally not very visible and is easy to control. Due to their single coat, Papillons are not prone to shed as much as dogs with double coats.

Except for two seasonal instances when they shed more than usual, Papillons shed lightly most of the year. Other factors will cause a Papillon to shed more than they usually would, and we will look at these factors a bit more in-depth to help you determine how much your Papillon may shed.

papillon dog sitting on grass
Image Credit: Anna Maloverjan, Shutterstock

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The 4 Factors that Influence How Much a Papillon May Shed

Although Papillons are generally thought of as frequent or seasonal shedders, many other factors can affect how much they shed. Your Papillon may shed more frequently or shed more hair than another one. Determining factors can include the following:

1. Diet

Your Papillon’s diet can have a significant impact on their health. They need the necessary nutrients from a high-quality, complete diet to maintain their health and energy levels. For a healthy coat, a high-quality dog food should have all the essential nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids.

Papillons can exhibit signs of an illness without specific nutrients, including a poor coat. If your Papillon is overweight or underweight, skin and hair problems are likely to occur. Their fur could become more easily shed if it becomes brittle and weak due to illness or an unhealthy diet.

2. Season

The seasons can dictate how much your Papillon sheds. Shedding season happens when summer and winter transition. Papillons grow heavier and thicker coats to stay warm when the temperatures are colder. Their seasonal coat is shed as the seasons change to create room for the new fur to grow. As a result, winter and summer call for much more attention to grooming.

3. Age

Even though a dog’s age may not seem to be a significant factor in how much they shed, age can make a difference, especially as they develop from puppies to adults. Puppies lose their coats as they mature into adults and might shed a lot during this phase.

Furthermore, as dogs age, their coat can become weaker, and shedding more than usual is often a sign of aging.

4. Skin Issues

Dogs may experience several skin disorders throughout their life. Allergies are one type that can be moderate and manageable, while others, such as mange, can be more severe.

Numerous skin disorders, as well as flea and tick infestations, can cause excessive shedding or even hair loss. Dogs exposed to infestations may incessantly lick or scratch themselves, damaging their coat and skin and leading to more frequent shedding.

little papillon puppy dog outdoors
Image Credit: e-Kis, Shutterstock

Are Papillons Hypoallergenic?

What a lot of people don’t realize is that no dog is considered fully hypoallergenic. While Papillons shed less than some other breeds, all dogs shed, whether lightly or heavily. Even a hairless dog can inflame allergies because people who suffer from allergies caused by shedding are allergic to a protein found in their saliva in addition to their dander.

However, having pet allergies shouldn’t prevent you from bringing home a Papillon because they distribute fewer allergens since they don’t shed as frequently as some other breeds. You can manage triggers with proper grooming and cleaning your home regularly.

Can Grooming Help with Shedding?

Papillons are low-maintenance pets when it comes to grooming, but regular grooming can certainly help cut down on the amount of loose hair in your home. One of the most effective things you could do for your Papillon’s coat is gently brush it one to two times a week with a comb or soft pet brush to get rid of loose hair.

Regular brushing will keep your Papillon’s coat and skin healthy and shiny while dispersing the skin’s natural oils. To avoid loose hair from settling onto your carpet and spreading, you can groom your Papillon outdoors and wash your hands once you are done to get rid of allergens.

Your Papillon only needs a bath on occasion, around once a month at the most. If it is time to wash your dog, choose a gentle shampoo that is suitable for dogs because your shampoo or other harsh soaps can irritate and dry up the skin, which will encourage shedding and itching. You can wipe your Pap’s coat clean between baths with dog wipes or a moist cloth.

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How to Keep Your Papillon’s Coat Healthy

A healthy coat is essential to minimize shedding, and there are several ways you can help support your Papillon’s skin and coat health, which can help prevent excessive shedding.

  • The most crucial factor in maintaining a healthy coat and skin is your dog’s diet and health. Make sure your Papillon is eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet made with high-quality ingredients. A diet recommended by your veterinarian is always the best choice.
  • Talk to your vet about omega-3 supplements for your Papillon.
  • Make sure your Papillon receives routine check-ups with your veterinarian to detect any health issues early and have them treated.
  • Protect your Papillon against parasites. Your dog will lick and scratch more as a result of ticks and fleas, damaging their skin and increasing shedding.
  • Avoid bathing your dog too often since it can cause dryness and inflammation.

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Papillons are considered seasonal shedders, but how much or how often your pet sheds can be affected by many factors. Regular grooming and a well-balanced, quality diet are critical to healthy skin and fur. However, there are occasions such as seasonal changes and aging where your Pap may shed more often, in which case, you will need to be more prepared, especially if you suffer from allergies. All dogs are known to shed some hair, but a Papillon is not a notorious shedder like many other breeds.

Featured Image Credit: Reshetnikov_art, Shutterstock

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