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Can a Pomeranian Be a Service Dog? Facts & FAQ

Written by: Kristin Hitchcock

Last Updated on April 8, 2024 by Dogster Team

red fluffy pomeranian dog in the autumn park

Can a Pomeranian Be a Service Dog? Facts & FAQ

Pomeranians can be trained and certified service dogs. While they’re too small to help with all disabilities, they can benefit others. Therefore, just because they’re small doesn’t eliminate their ability to be a service animal.

Of course, not all Pomeranians can be service dogs. Their smaller size and yappiness can make them more challenging to train for specific jobs. They must be calm and obedient, which doesn’t always describe a Pomeranian well.

Specific service dog training organizations have their requirements and considerations for selecting and training service dogs. It’s essential to consult with professionals to choose the best service dog for you. It isn’t best to assume that your Pomeranian can perform as a service dog, as they often need hand-selected as puppies.


What Tasks Can Pomeranians Do?

Pomeranians aren’t suitable for the same tasks that larger service dogs can do. You’ll never find a Pomeranian pulling a wheelchair or helping someone walk down the stairs. However, they can perform many other tasks that may even be performed better by dogs of smaller sizes.

  • Item Retrieval: Pomeranians can help their owners retrieve items like keys.
  • Opening Doors: Some Pomeranians are trained to open doors, which can help owners with mobility problems.
  • Medical Alert: Pomeranians can alert their owners to changes in smell that may signal a drop in blood sugar or an incoming seizure. Many of these dogs are carried closer to their owner’s breath, which is how they detect the changes. Smaller dogs work better for this task.
  • Alerting to Sounds: For those that are deaf, Pomeranians can alert them to certain sounds, such as a smoke alarm or doorbell. Pomeranians tend to be very alert, so they fit into this role well.
pomeranian puppy running
Image Credit: wirakorn deelert, Shutterstock

What Are the Benefits of a Pomeranian Service Animal?

There are several reasons why a Pomeranian may be chosen as a service animal over another breed. Here are some of the reasons they’re often considered:

  • Size: Because they are smaller, Pomeranians are more accessible for smaller homes and individuals with limited mobility. They’re straightforward to transport and can be carried, which may be necessary for specific medical tasks.
  • Intelligence: Pomeranians are pretty intelligent, allowing them to be trained fairly easily. They’re one of the most intelligent smaller breeds. Therefore, when it is determined that a smaller dog would be more suited to an individual, a Pomeranian isn’t a poor choice.
  • Affectionate: Pomeranians are very people-oriented. Therefore, they’re often well-liked by individuals looking for a companion dog. They tend to get along well with children, making them an excellent option for those with families.
  • Adaptability: Pomeranians are very adaptable and often able to adjust to different circumstances—a vital trait for a service animal. They can be trained to perform many different tasks, unlike other breeds that primarily focus on a single task.
  • Low maintenance: Pomeranians need a bit of grooming and exercise. However, they often need far less than other breeds. Therefore, they’re a manageable option for those with less time, ability, or energy to care for a dog.

Of course, Pomeranians are suitable for every situation.

Services Pomeranians Can’t Provide

Pomeranians cannot provide all services. While they are great dogs for some situations, they cannot be utilized for others. Here are some examples of why using a Pomeranian probably isn’t the best idea:

  • Distractions: Pomeranians are very social and friendly, so they can quickly become distracted. They aren’t necessarily as focused as other breeds, making them miss cues. When someone relies on a Pomeranian to focus, missing a cue can be a severe health risk.
  • Fragility: Pomeranians are not as “solid” as other, larger breeds. They’re more likely to be injured, stepped on, or squished. Someone prone to fainting may accidentally land on their Pomeranian, for instance.
  • Size: Pomeranians can’t perform many tasks larger dogs can do because they’re small. For instance, they can’t be used to help with mobility or balance—they’re too small.
  • Limited endurance: While Pomeranians can be quite excitable, they’re still small dogs. Therefore, they don’t have the same endurance as other dogs. If you’re always on the go, a Pomeranian may be unable to keep up with your lifestyle.
  • Training: Pomeranians are bright but not the most obedient dog. Therefore, training can be more challenging, and they may require more socialization before being prepared to be a service dog. Not only does this mean that fewer Pomeranians will make the cut, but it can also mean higher training costs.
Woman training a pomeranian
Image Credit: Gorodenkoff, Shutterstock

Are Pomeranians Good Service Dogs?

Pomeranians can be good service dogs if trained well to do the right tasks. Pomeranians can’t perform all tasks well, so they shouldn’t be expected to. However, they may be a fantastic choice if you need them to be a medical alert dog or alert you to sounds. They’re also lower maintenance than other service dog breeds, making them better suited to those with less time or energy to care for a dog.

Not all Pomeranians make a good choice, though. Most service dog training centers hand-pick dogs for their program and even then, many do not graduate. Often, dogs need to complete several temperament tests and pass through training. Some dogs aren’t cut out for it, and fewer Pomeranians will likely make it than dogs of more common breeds, like Labrador Retrievers.

The average Pomeranian likely won’t have the focus required to work as a service dog. Only the top-of-the-line Pomeranians will do. Of course, the quality of the training also matters. Many facilities train service dogs, but not all of them can train Pomeranians to perform the tasks you need to do. Therefore, you must do plenty of research before deciding what company to use.



Pomeranians can be service dogs for some purposes. They’re mainly utilized as medical alert dogs, where they seem to thrive. In this situation, they’re often carried so that they’re closer to their owner and more likely to pick up on small changes in scent—which they use to signal drops in blood sugar or approaching seizures. They can save many lives in this manner.

Pomeranians are often a good choice for hearing assistance, as well. They can notify their owners when they hear a particular sound. Because they’re extremely alert, they often do well at this job.

Of course, not every Pomeranian will make a good service dog. These dogs are often chosen as puppies to perform their roles. Often, they must undergo temperament tests and pass several training tests, too. Only the best dogs make it and are allowed to become service animals.

Therefore, if you own a Pomeranian, they likely wouldn’t be cut out as a service animal. However, if you need a service animal, contacting an agency that trains Pomeranians for your particular need may be a good option.

Featured Image Credit: barinovalena, Shutterstock

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