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Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Drool? Normal & Excessive Amounts Explained

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on April 19, 2024 by Dogster Team

Bernese Mountain drool

Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Drool? Normal & Excessive Amounts Explained

Do you want to bring a Bernese Mountain Dog home? You must be wondering whether it’s a drooler or not. The short answer is yes, Bernese Mountain Dogs drool a lot. So, be prepared for occasional streams of drool.

Like most slobbers, Bernese Mountain Dogs have prominent jowls. Saliva accumulates in these large cheeks, drooling out after overflowing or when the dog shakes its head.

Below, we tell you how much and why your Bernese Mountain Dog drools. We also list some potential causes for excessive drooling and possible remedies. Read on to learn about that and more.

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How Much Do Bernese Dogs Drool?

How much drool you should expect from your furry friend may differ from one Bernese Mountain dog to the next. Some pups drool more than others.

Most Bernese Mountain Dogs drool moderately (more than the average dog). Still, a significant number of them only drool after eating or drinking. Rarely will you find a Bernese Mountain dog that drools all the time or does not drool at all.

You might get the latter if you’re lucky. But needless to say, the odds are not in your favor.

Bernese Mountain Dogs
Image Credit: NadineDoerle , Pixabay

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Why Your Dog Drools

Drooling is normal for Bernese Mountain Dogs due to their prominent jowls. However, the pups usually don’t drool all the time. Some specific things or situations could trigger or cause your dog to drool. They include the following.

Drinking Water

Water can also accumulate within the jowls in the same manner as saliva. So, it is common for dogs to drool a little right after drinking water. For some Bernese Mountain Dogs, that is the only time they drool.

Anticipating Food

Does your mouth water when expecting to eat a delicious meal? The same thing happens to dogs. Only in this case does the excess saliva lead to drooling.

black & brown Bernese Mountain Dog chewing on bone
Image Credit: Janosch Diggelmann, Unsplash


Dogs can also drool when they get excited. Anything from the joy of seeing you to the thrill of play could cause your dog to go drip-drip.


When anxious, a dog will keep its mouth open while panting. In many cases, that is often accompanied by drooling.

Many things could make a Bernese Mountain Dog anxious, including the presence of a stranger in the home or being left alone.

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Causes of Excess Drooling

Although drooling is normal, sometimes the behavior can become excessive, thus causing worry. If your furry friend is drooling more than usual, it could indicate an underlying health issue.

There are several reasons why your dog could be experiencing hypersalivation. We discuss some of them below.

Female Bernese Mountain Dogs
Image Credit: NadineDoerle, Pixabay

Dental Problems

Tartar buildup on the teeth leads to gum disease1. It can also cause drooling in your Bernese Mountain Dog as it rubs against the jowls.

Excess Heat

If you are observant, you may have noticed that dogs tend to drool more when it’s warm. As such, exposing your Bernese Mountain Dog to direct sunlight when it’s too hot outside can lead to heatstroke, thus causing excess drooling.

Respiratory Infections

Drooling is one of the symptoms of a respiratory infection. So, look out for throat, nose, or sinus infections if your Bernese Mountain Dog is drooling excessively.

man petting a bernese mountain dog puppy
Image Credit: Oleg Mitkevych, Shutterstock

Ingesting Toxic Substances

Eating toxic plants will not only make your Bernese Mountain Dog sick but will also cause drooling. The same can happen when they ingest toxic animals such as spiders, scorpions, toads, and frogs.

Motion Sickness

Some dogs will ride in your car with no problem. However, some are prone to motion sickness, especially when not used to it. Is your dog drooling more than usual only when riding in your car? That could be a sign of motion sickness.


A Bernese Mountain Dog will also drool when experiencing pain from infections or diseases. It can be anything from mouth to stomach pain.

bernese lying down indoors
Image Credit: Ksenia, Raykova, Shutterstock


Kidney and heart diseases are some of the leading causes of death in Bernese Mountain Dogs2. Such diseases could also be the cause of excess drooling in your fido.

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How to Deal With Drooling

Unfortunately, you can’t stop a Bernese Mountain Dog from drooling. The only solution is to learn how to live with it. However, there are a few measures you can take to deal with the problem.

Wipe It Off

Does your dog drool all the time? It would help if you had a cloth to wipe the drool off the mouth before it embeds onto the pup’s fur or stains your furniture.

cleaning the sofa with a blue microfiber cloth
Image By: TFEX_SHUTTER, Shutterstock

Don’t Let the Stains Dry

The earlier you clean the drool off the furniture, the better. Otherwise, allowing it to dry will make the stains crusty and difficult to remove. It is advisable to have towels around if your dog drools constantly. That way, you can wipe off the drool immediately after it spills on your furniture.

Cover Your Furniture

We all have that piece of furniture we can’t bear to see ruined. The best way to keep it spotless is to place covers over it to protect it from drool stains.

Brush Your Dog’s Teeth Regularly

Regularly brushing your dog’s teeth will prevent problems like tartar buildup and irritation of the gums. It is these and other dental issues that often lead to unusual drooling.

bernese mountain dog with his tongue out
Image By: Enrique Arnaiz Lafuente, Shutterstock

Visit a Vet

It is advisable to take your Bernese Mountain Dog to the veterinary if it is drooling more than usual. That could indicate an underlying health issue that may need urgent attention.

But it would be best if you didn’t wait for your dog to get sick. Taking your Bernese Mountain Dog to the vet for regular checkups is advisable. That will help identify and treat any health issues before they become too severe or fatal.

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How to Clean Drool Stains

A Bernese Mountain Dog is a joy to have. But we cannot say the same about the stains it is likely to leave on your furniture or clothes. Dog drool stains are challenging to remove, especially if you let them sit long. Luckily, there are two effective methods you can try below.


Mix ¼ cup of white vinegar with ¼ cup of water and add one teaspoon of baking soda and another teaspoon of dish detergent. Then using a spray bottle, apply the solution on the affected area without soaking it.

Let the solution sit for 15 minutes if you are cleaning a fabric. You can use a damp cloth to remove the stain immediately on hard surfaces.

Allow the spot to dry and inspect it. Repeat the process if necessary.

Baking Soda & Vinegar Solution
Image By: FotoHelin, Shutterstock

Using Isopropyl Alcohol

Light spray the affected area with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Alternatively, use an absorbent white cloth if you don’t have a spray bottle.

After application, use a clean, dry cloth to blot the stain out. But ensure it is white since you risk staining the upholstery with bleeding dye.

Finally, you need to fluff out the stiff parts. You can use a soft-bristled brush for this part.

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The Bernese Mountain Dog is a drooler. Indeed, it is one among many adorable fidos that drool the most. However, all Bernese Mountain Dogs don’t drool the same.

While the majority drool moderately, there are still many who only drool after eating or drinking water. There is also a tiny minority who either drool all the time or do not drool at all.

While a drooling dog may seem inconvenient, the behavior is bearable, as many owners of droolers can attest. Eventually, most people usually get used to it after a while.

If you are considering getting a Bernese Mountain Dog, don’t let this fact stop you. You can learn how to manage the problem with the tips mentioned above.

Featured Image Credit: Kristesoro, Shutterstock

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