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Can You Use Cat Shampoo on a Dog? Safety & Effectiveness Explained

Written by: Kristin Hitchcock

Last Updated on April 19, 2024 by Dogster Team

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Can You Use Cat Shampoo on a Dog? Safety & Effectiveness Explained

If you use cat shampoo on your dog a few times, it probably won’t cause much of a problem. However, if you use it a lot, then you do risk irritating your pet’s skin. There is a difference between a dog’s skin and a cat’s skin. Therefore, you can’t use their shampoos interchangeably.

If you don’t have anything else at home, cat shampoo is better than human shampoo, though. Still, you cannot use it constantly, as it is slightly different from dog shampoo. Let’s take a complete look at each type of shampoo so that you have a complete understanding of what you’re dealing with.


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Dog Shampoo vs. Cat Shampoo

Dog skin and cat skin are different—they have slightly different needs, which causes their shampoos to be different, too

For instance, different animals have different skin pH ranges. You don’t want the shampoo you use to be too far away from this range or you risk irritating the skin. It is difficult for skin to achieve its proper pH after being completely washed in a shampoo that has the incorrect pH. Therefore, it can become dry, itchy, and unhealthy.

Luckily, cats and dogs have a similar skin pH range, but they are quite different from humans. For instance, humans have a skin pH range of 5.2 to 6.2. On the other hand, cats and dogs are around 6.2 to 7.2. Cat shampoo should not mess with your dog’s skin pH range too much, but human shampoo absolutely will.

You’ll see a lot of claims online that dogs and cats have very different skin pH ranges. However, this is not true.

With that said, cat shampoo is a bit different from dog shampoo, even if the pH is the same. For instance, cats have notoriously sensitive skin. Therefore, their shampoos are made to be extremely gentle. It doesn’t do a super good job at cleaning for this reason—but this gentleness is absolutely necessary when you’re dealing with cats.

On the other hand, dogs have more durable skin. Therefore, they can handle more cleaning agents in their shampoo. Dog shampoo can be made as gentle as cat shampoo, but it typically isn’t.

If you wash your dog with cat shampoo, it probably won’t work quite as well. You’ll likely need to utilize more of the product to get your cat clean. In fact, it may not work very well at all on dogs with double-layered coats, as they need a particularly strong shampoo to penetrate the layers of their coat.

Siberian husky bath time
Image Credit By: Ihar Halavach, Shutterstock

What Happens If You Use Cat Shampoo on a Dog?

If you use cat shampoo on your dog once, then you probably won’t notice much of a difference. The cat shampoo will likely not work quite as well. However, it will work enough for a single bath, unless your dog happens to be extremely dirty.

With that said, if you use it for an extended period, you may notice it is not working at all. Some dogs need baths more often than others. If your dog is the type that really doesn’t need to be cleaned, then you probably won’t have an issue never switching back to dog shampoo. However, if your dog really does need to be cleaned all the time, then cat shampoo just won’t work.

You should not notice any skin irritation or similar problems from the cat shampoo, though. In fact, dogs with very sensitive skin do rather well with cat shampoo, as it is made to be extremely gentle.

Therefore, using cat shampoo on your dog isn’t going to result in extremely dry skin or irritation. However, you may notice that they’re still a bit dirty!

Our Favorite Products

Selecting the right shampoo and conditioner makes the world of a difference when grooming your pup. Our favorite products are the duo by Hepper. The Oatmeal Pet Shampoo is formulated with aloe and oatmeal to soothe skin and hydrate the coat. The Pet Conditioner works at eliminating tangles and taming frizz and static. Both products are pH-balanced and formulated with pet-friendly ingredients, free of harsh soaps, chemicals, and dyes. Give this duo a try to heal and nourish your dog's coat, and leave them with an irresistible just-left-the-spa cucumber and aloe scent. 

Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
Hepper Pet Conditioner and Moisturiser - Scented...
Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
Hepper Pet Conditioner and Moisturiser - Scented...
pH balanced
Gently cleanses
Cucumber & aloe scent
Free of harmful additives
Combats tangles & static
Soothes & hydrates
Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
pH balanced
Gently cleanses
Cucumber & aloe scent
Free of harmful additives
Combats tangles & static
Soothes & hydrates
Hepper Pet Conditioner and Moisturiser - Scented...
Hepper Pet Conditioner and Moisturiser - Scented...
pH balanced
Gently cleanses
Cucumber & aloe scent
Free of harmful additives
Combats tangles & static
Soothes & hydrates

At Dogster, we’ve admired Hepper for many years and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool pet company!


What Other DIY Options Can You Use?

If you find yourself out of dog shampoo, you’re probably looking for other options. While you can absolutely use cat shampoo, if your dog is particularly dirty you can use a variety of other items to help maintain their coat until you can run back out and get some.

For instance, you can utilize dish soap in many cases. However, this soap is not at the correct pH, so it cannot be used for an extended period. Still, it will be a decent option for those in need of a quick DIY cleaner.

You can also use white vinegar. White vinegar is a great cleaner, however, it does need to be watered down substantially so that it does not absolutely irritate your dog’s coat. With that said, if watered down correctly, this method is a good solution.

Of course, it will make your dog smell like vinegar, so this isn’t absolutely the best option. With that said, if you don’t have anything else, this may be one of the few things you can work with.

Do not utilize white vinegar for an extended period, though, otherwise, you will dry out your dog’s skin.

bath foam to a Golden Retriever dog
Image Credit By: 135pixels, Shutterstock

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Using cat shampoo on a dog is often not a bad idea, especially if your dog doesn’t have a double coat. However, it is not nearly as effective as other options. Cats have very sensitive skin, so their shampoo has to be made with that in mind.

Cat shampoo is not as effective as dog shampoos, however, if your dog has extremely sensitive skin, then you may want to switch to a gentle cat shampoo.

There are also other options you can use in a pinch, such as vinegar and dish soap, but these options are not as good as using cat shampoo or dog shampoo.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: SGM, Shutterstock

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