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Why Dogs Are Better Than Kids: 14 Ways

Written by: Chris Dinesen Rogers

Last Updated on April 29, 2024 by Dogster Team

jack russell terrier dog heeling to its owner

Why Dogs Are Better Than Kids: 14 Ways

Although people had some concept of proper nutrition, it wasn’t until after World War I that commercial production of dog food commenced with Ken-L-Ration canned horse meat. Today, our attitudes about our canine companions now have us considering them family members.

However, it has gone even further, with some calling their pups their fur babies and referring to themselves as pet parents. You may wonder if some people are putting off starting families because they find fulfillment with their dogs. Yes, it sounds far fetched, but some have made a convincing case for owning dogs instead of having kids.

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The 14 Ways that Dogs Are Better Than Kids

1. Canines Are Cheaper Than Kids

The average annual cost of owning a dog runs between $1,270 to $2,803. That comes out to a lifetime cost of $19,893 to $55,132. Meanwhile, you might spend that amount in a single year or college semester for your child. Dog products are also cheaper than the things kids need and want. Think of the cost of sports equipment or a cellphone. You can undoubtedly spoil your pup, but you’ll likely find they’re far less expensive than a child.

Owner giving treats as reward for training dog
Image Credit: RealPeopleStudio, Shutterstock

2. Dogs Won’t Take or Break Your Stuff—Usually

A dog isn’t going to borrow your car and get into a wreck; they won’t use your debit card to buy Taylor Swift concert tickets. That’s not to say that your pooch will never knock over a vase or chew your shoes, but that’s where training comes into play. You can teach them to leave their stuff alone and have peace of mind that everything will stay safe even if you’re not around to make sure.

3. Canines Don’t Really Have Temper Tantrums

Parents call them terrible twos for a reason! Luckily, you don’t have to worry about that with a dog. Dogs won’t start screaming and crying at a restaurant if it’s past their bedtime. They’ll enjoy whatever attention they get from the staff, especially if a treat is involved. Your pup also won’t have a fit if you have to leave the store to go home. Instead, they’ll usually happily follow you to wherever you lead.

corgi dog in the restaurant
Image Credit: Masarik, Shutterstock

4. Dogs Are Less Work

Kids are synonymous with a lot of work. You have to make sure they do their homework, are fed, and get to practice on time. You have to wear so many hats, from short-order cook to disciplinarian to tutor. Dogs just need a couple of daily walks, which you probably will enjoy, as well as food, water, and some attention to stay happy and healthy.

5. They Won’t Fight Taking Naps

You will never hear any complaints about taking naps from a dog. Your pup will gladly see to their rest needs without much help from you. They will nap if they’re bored and won’t make a fuss or grouse about it being time to go. You also won’t have to worry about them waking up in the night crying (after the puppy phase). Better yet, dogs won’t keep you up at night worrying about their whereabouts or when they’re going to safely arrive home.

10-week old Golden Retriever puppy sleeping
Image Credit: sherwood, Shutterstock

6. Dogs Aren’t Finicky

Dogs will eat just about anything without complaints. That’s a blessing and a curse when it comes to accidental poisonings. There’s a good reason why there are more cases involving canines. They will eat what you put before them, even if it’s the healthy food they must eat. They may even eat their vegetables! You can give them the same thing every day without a fuss. Just try that with your teenager.

7. Dogs Sometimes Clean Up After Themselves

Dogs often clean up after themselves when they spill stuff. Some kibble outside of their dish? No problem! Dropped a piece of chicken on the floor? Leave it to Fido to be Johnny-on-the-spot (although we don’t recommend people foods that could cause digestive issues or that could be potentially dangerous).

senior dog eating food on the floor
Image Credit: Africa Studio, Shutterstock

8. Dogs Don’t Complain

No matter what the issue, your dog isn’t going to chew your ear off about leaving the doggie park early or cutting your walk short because it started raining. Your dog will go with the flow without any hassles. And if your day means a quick trip to the store, they’re ready to keep you company on the ride. Dinner is late? No problem! Have to go to the vet? That’s okay as long as a treat is involved.

9. Canines Aren’t Judgmental

Your pup won’t make fun of you for wearing the same dated shirt 2 days in a row, and they won’t grumble over that overly cute doggie collar you bought them for Valentine’s Day, either—they’ll wear it with pride. Your pooch doesn’t care if you can’t carry a tune to save your life. They won’t mind if you forget the words to the song and make up your own lyrics, either. Basically, they love you just the way you are and won’t make fun of any of your little quirks.

Welsh Corgi dog being petted by owner outside at a park
Image Credit: Tanya Consaul Photography, Shutterstock

10. Dogs Listen to You

Your dog won’t defy you just because. They won’t purposely stay out past their curfew. Better yet, they will learn what “No!” and “Stay!” mean and follow the command every time—with the right training. With that said, training happens far more quickly with a dog than with a kid. Your pup will know your voice and their name since their brains process them similarly. Ask any parent and they’ll tell you that kids surely have a tendency to ignore you no matter how many times you call.

11. Your Dog Won’t Bug You to Borrow the Car

There’s a delightful window in parenthood when the family vehicle isn’t an issue. Sure, you have to drive your kids around, but at least you know the tank isn’t empty and there aren’t any new dents. You also don’t have to worry when your kid borrows the car, hoping they remember all the rules of the road. You won’t get an unexpected letter in the mail about your supposed parking fines or worry for hours about whether they’re going to make it to their destination safely.

dog travelling with his head outside the window car
Image Credit: Jaromir Chalabala, Shutterstock

12. Your Pet Is Always Happy to See You

No matter what the occasion or how long you’ve been gone, your dog will be happy to see you. Their happiness is evident on their faces. Their tail will be wagging 100 mph, with maybe a bark or two to announce your arrival. Who wouldn’t love getting that kind of attention all the time? Even if no one acknowledges you’re home, your pup will know and show you their gratitude.

13. No Diapers? No Problem!

Housebreaking is a major milestone for your puppy. It also happens a lot quicker than potty training your toddler. Hopefully, house soiling will be a thing of the past. Yes, there still are those nasty plastic bags or the dreaded scooper. However, it’s less often and not as unpleasant. You’ll also save a lot of money with less of an environmental impact.

Image Credit: Lucky Business, Shutterstock

14. Dogs Will Give You Unconditional Love

The best thing about owning a dog is the unconditional love you’ll receive. Research supports this conclusion. Your pup will be there for you if you’re sad or lonely. They will be your trail buddy and will happily keep you warm at night, too. They won’t go through phases and ignore you because their love is always on tap, and little encouragement is needed to enjoy it.

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Owning a dog is a rewarding experience for anyone able and willing to make the commitment. While it involves time and money, it can fulfill a vital need for companionship. Dogs can’t replace kids, but they have much to offer those who want a canine best friend. The moniker couldn’t be more fitting to describe our canine companions.

Featured Image Credit: thka, Shutterstock

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