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Why Do Dogs Roll in Stinky Things? Vet-Reviewed Reasons & Prevention Tips

Written by: Lorre Luther

Last Updated on May 3, 2024 by Dogster Team

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Why Do Dogs Roll in Stinky Things? Vet-Reviewed Reasons & Prevention Tips


Dr. Ashley Darby Photo


Dr. Ashley Darby

BVSc (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Dogs are notorious for rolling around in just about anything stinky they can find, including dead animals, garbage, and poop. The behavior is normal, but, you may wonder why dogs can’t seem to resist stinky things.

No one is entirely sure what lies behind this behavior, but there are several theories. Some suggest that dogs do it to mask their scents from predators and prey or to bring information about nearby prey back to their “packs,” much like wolves.

Dogs may enjoy pungent objects because they’re interesting. Dogs have incredible senses of smell and really like getting up close and personal with strong odors. They could also be rolling around to mark the area with their own scent.

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Is There a Definitive Explanation?

No, and there are issues with the most current ones. While wolves may roll in smelly things to mask their scents while hunting, dogs who do so are generally not trying to catch prey. Some roll in filth when their owners walk them or play with them in the yard. Ultimately, veterinarians and veterinary behaviorists are not sure why dogs like to roll around in poop, garbage, and dead animals.

golden retriever rolling on sand and debris
Image Credit: Kim Britten, Shutterstock

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Are There Ways to Keep Dogs from Rolling in Stinky Things?

Ensuring dogs are well-trained and come back when called can keep them from playing with pungent objects and dead animals.

1. Training

Teaching the recall command can ensure your dog returns quickly when you call them so you can preemptively manage unpleasant situations. Most dogs enjoy training, particularly when it involves time with their favorite people and lots of treats.

You can use positive reinforcement techniques that involve rewarding dogs for demonstrating desired behaviors. Training is also a great way to provide mental stimulation, which is vital for dogs’ happiness and health.

2. Leashes

The easiest way to prevent dogs from getting into stinky things is to keep them leashed during walks. Shorter leashes can keep dogs close by, so they don’t have as many opportunities to find (and get into) problematic objects during outings.

man training a leashed border collie dog
Image Credit: Dora Zett, Shutterstock

3. Fences

If you have a backyard, consider fencing it in so your dog has an area to explore that you can keep free of dead animals, garbage, and poop.

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What Should I Do If My Dog Rolls in Something Stinky?

Baths are a requirement after dogs get into and roll around in garbage, poop, or other stinky things. The sooner the substance is washed off your dog, the better.

It’s always best to use a shampoo specifically designed for dogs, as products for people are too harsh and can irritate dogs’ skin.

Corgi getting a bath
Image Credit: Masarik, Shutterstock

How Strong Is the Canine Sense of Smell?

Dogs have stunning senses of smell, and their olfactory abilities completely put people to shame. While people primarily rely on sight to understand and interact with the world, dogs move through the world using their noses.

Dogs have more than 100 million scent receptors in their noses, but humans only have around 6 million.

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Although there are a few theories, no one is entirely sure why dogs roll in smelly things. They may do it to mask their scents, or it could be a way of bringing information about nearby prey back to their packs. There are also suggestions that dogs roll in smelly objects to mark them as theirs or because they’re interested in ripe odors due to their strong senses of smell.

Featured Image Credit By: Carlos Gomez Martinez, Shutterstock

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