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Why Do Dogs Shake Off When They Aren’t Wet? 4 Common Reasons

Written by: Brooke Billingsley

Last Updated on March 1, 2024 by Dogster Team

blue dachshund shakng his head

Why Do Dogs Shake Off When They Aren’t Wet? 4 Common Reasons

All dog owners know the experience of giving their dog a bath or taking them for a swim, only for them to get out of the water and immediately shake off, usually sending water everywhere, including all over you. You may have noticed, though, that most dogs seem to shake as if they’re wet, even when they aren’t. Why do dogs do this?

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The 4 Reasons the Dogs Shake Off When Not Wet

1. Waking Up

Do you stretch your arms above your head when you wake up in the morning? Dogs enjoy taking a big stretch after sleeping as well. For some dogs, this may simply be getting into the bowing position or stretching their rear legs behind them, but there are some dogs who may shake off after waking up as a way to wake their body up and shake off the sleepiness.

Dog shaking head
Image Credit: dezy, Shutterstock

2. Excitement

If your dog is in a state of high arousal, then they may shake off as a way to deal with their high level of excitement. This may occur when meeting new dogs or people, getting in the car to go to the park, or right after being let out of their kennel. Some dogs may also shake off during training sessions when they know they’re going to get a tasty treat.

3. Stress and Anxiety

Unfortunately, shaking off isn’t always a positive sign. Some dogs may shake off during high-stress situations as a way to eliminate some of the anxious energy. This is one of the body language cues that dogs may show to indicate emotional discomfort, along with yawning, head turning, hunched body position, tail stiffness, and whale eyes, or showing an excessive amount of the whites of the eyes.

Beagle shaking head
Image Credit: Przemek Iciak, Shutterstock

4. Physical Discomfort

Is your dog learning how to wear a harness or a collar? Maybe you’re trying out a sweater for the first time. Dogs that are physically uncomfortable may shake off in an attempt to remove the discomfort from their body. Learning how to wear clothes and harnesses can take practice for many dogs, so don’t be surprised if your dog reacts as if they don’t appreciate wearing it at first. They may also shake if there is static or itchiness occurring underneath the item they’re wearing.

What Should I Do if My Dog Is Shaking Off a Lot?

If your dog is shaking off after waking or in exciting and fun situations, then there really isn’t anything you need to do. If your dog is shaking off due to discomfort or anxiety, then you need to evaluate the situation, identify the source of discomfort, and either get your dog out of the situation or provide positive reinforcement for calm behavior and for looking to you for comfort. Whenever you’re concerned about your dog’s behavior, it’s best to get them to the vet.

young female veterinarian doctor listen to dog with stethoscope
Image Credit: aslysun, Shutterstock

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In Conclusion

There are a few reasons that your dog may be shaking off when they aren’t wet, and they can be positive or negative. Thoroughly evaluate the situation in which your dog exhibits this behavior. If you suspect your dog is shaking off for negative reasons, it’s your job to help them feel safe and comfortable again. In situations where your dog needs to learn how to wear an item or get used to a new situation, ensure you’re providing them with high-value rewards and praise to make the situation more enjoyable.

Featured Image Credit: J.E. Coleman, Shutterstock

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