Dr. Lindsay Bisset BVSc (Veterinarian)

Lindsay is a veterinarian living in the vibrant city of Cape Town, South Africa with her husband and their rescue animals, Blizzard and Harrison. Lindsay received her bachelor's degree in veterinary science from the University of Pretoria and currently works in small animal practice. When she’s not working, you can find her enjoying time outdoors in nature hiking with Blizzard, or writing.

Sad tired beagle dog on sofa. Sick dog.

Indigestion & Acid Reflux in Dogs: Our Vet Explains Causes, Signs & Care

Does your dog gag, retch, or smack their lips? Or have you noticed small puddles of clear fluid or undigested food on the floor? If so, your dog may be suffering from acid reflux – an uncomfortable condition that affects both humans and dogs alike.   What Is Acid Reflux? Acid reflux (also known as […]

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male dog owner covering his nose because his dog smells bad

What Can You Give a Dog for Gas? 5 Vet-Recommended Tips

Whether you call it gas, passing wind, or farting, the release of intestinal gas through the rectum is normal for dogs. While the occasional fart is nothing to worry about, excessive or particularly foul-smelling gas may indicate a problem that needs to be addressed. Whether your dog is experiencing gas due to dietary issues, eating

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vet drawing blood from corgi dog

Can a Vaccinated Dog Get Rabies? (Vet Answer)

Rabies is a deadly disease that affects the nervous system of mammals, including humans and dogs. The virus is found throughout the world in more than 150 countries and territories, and on all continents except for Antarctica. Fortunately, rabies is preventable by vaccination. Although no vaccine is 100% effective, a vaccinated dog is unlikely to

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poochon puppy running in a park

How Much Exercise Does a Puppy Need? Our Vet Answers

Puppies often appear to have limitless energy, and can become bored and frustrated if they are not given sufficient exercise. A bored puppy will find ways to entertain itself—by digging, chewing, barking, and getting into other kinds of mischief! While exercise is a great way to provide a healthy outlet for a puppy’s energy, we

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Huskimo puppy on log tongue out

Why Is My Puppy Breathing Fast: 7 Vet-Explained Reasons

If your puppy is breathing fast, you may wonder if it is normal or something to worry about. In many situations, rapid breathing is a normal response. Puppies pant to thermoregulate and when they experience heightened emotions like excitement or stress. However, there are certain situations where rapid breathing is triggered by an underlying illness, such

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two cute dogs sleeping on the bed

Why Does My Dog Breathe Fast While Sleeping: Our Vet Explains

Most dog owners will agree that there are few sights more peaceful than a sleeping dog. So, it’s natural to feel unnerved when your peaceful pup begins to breathe rapidly while sleeping. Fortunately, rapid breathing during sleep is not always a sign that something is wrong, and in many cases, it is simply due to

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How Old Is a Puppy When Their Balls Drop? Our Vet Explains

The testes develop behind the kidneys in the abdomen while a puppy is still in the womb. In most puppies, the testes descend or “drop” by 2 months of age. Each testicle is attached to a ligament called the gubernaculum.1 The end of this ligament is attached to the scrotum. As the ligament shrinks, it

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grapes and raisins

Why Raisins & Grapes Are Toxic To Dogs: Our Vet Explains

Raisins and grapes are enjoyed as a healthy and delicious snack by many people, but did you know that this seemingly harmless fruit is anything but healthy for dogs? Ingesting even a small portion of raisins and grapes can cause a dog to develop acute kidney injury. In acute kidney injury, the kidneys suddenly stop

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bath foam to a Golden Retriever dog

Why Does My Dog Smell So Bad Even After a Bath? (Vet Answer)

If you’re a dog owner, you’ll know that your canine companion can sometimes smell less than fresh. Whether it’s from rolling in dead matter or because it is due for its regular groom, dogs can sometimes get smelly. However, a bath should rectify the situation. Immediately after a bath, your dog may have that distinctive

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Dog with yeast infection

Yeast Infection in Dogs: Causes, Signs & Treatment (Vet Answer)

Itchy, irritated skin, a musty odor, head shaking, and a brown discharge from the ears — these are some of the common signs of a yeast infection in dogs. Read on to find out more about this condition, including its causes, clinical signs, and treatment. What Is a Yeast Infection? Yeast infection, or Malassezia dermatitis, is

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dog sneezing on lawn

Environmental Allergies In Dogs: Signs, Causes & Treatments (Vet Answer)

Environmental allergies can be just as problematic for our canine companions as they are for us. While we might associate allergies with runny eyes and sneezing, dogs most commonly show signs such as itching, scratching, licking, and recurrent skin and ear infections. Read on to find out more about environmental allergies, and what you can

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a veterinarian with a syringe euthanizes a dog

Can a Dog Wake Up After Euthanasia? (Vet Answer)

Derived from the Greek words “eu” meaning good and “thanatos” meaning death, euthanasia is the act of humanely and painlessly ending life to relieve suffering. The decision to euthanize a beloved pet is often challenging, raising a multitude of emotions, including anxiety and fear. A concern of some owners is that their dog will wake

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dog before injection at vet office

Why Do Dogs Develop Lumps After Subcutaneous Injections? Our Vet Answers

If you’ve noticed a small lump under your dog’s skin after a subcutaneous injection, it’s most likely due to their body reacting to the substance that was injected. Killed vaccines containing an adjuvant are more likely to cause lumps than other types of injectable medications. While rare, a lump at an injection site may also

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Testicles of dog

My Dog Only Has One Testicle: Is It a Problem? Our Vet Answers

If your dog only has one descended testicle, it could indicate a condition called cryptorchidism. The other testicle is likely retained in his abdomen or in the inguinal canal. Cryptorchidism can be problematic as it puts a dog at risk for developing a spermatic cord torsion or testicular cancer. Let’s learn more about what it means

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