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10 Signs That You’re a Helicopter Dog Mom: What to Watch-Out For

Written by: Lorre Luther

Last Updated on July 2, 2024 by Dogster Team

welsh corgi cardigan dog and his owner

10 Signs That You’re a Helicopter Dog Mom: What to Watch-Out For

Helicopter parents are known for being involved with their children; they’re the moms and dads who always know who their kids are hanging out with and if their homework still needs to be done. They do everything they can to keep their kids safe, happy, and healthy and consistently provide help, support, and guidance, which describes the perfect dog parent.

If you do everything possible to keep your pup mentally and physically in top shape, are happy to put in the leg work and research to ensure they get all they need to thrive, take them with you on vacation, and only feed them organic food, you may be a helicopter dog mom. You can keep reading below for the 10 signs that you are.

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The 10 Signs That You’re a Helicopter Dog Mom

1. You Only Consider Vacations Your Dog Will Enjoy

Vacations are fun occasions for you and your dog to spend more time together exploring cool locations. You’re perfectly aware that taking your canine with you may limit where you go, but ensure wherever you end up is pet-friendly. It’s not that hard, as you already have a list of thoroughly vetted pet-friendly hotels and national parks.

2. You Feed Your Dog Healthy Food

You read ingredient lists and google anything that comes close to sounding less than healthy before giving it to your pup. Your dog only gets organic treats, and you’re on a first-name basis with the friendly employees at the local doggie bakery, where they know your dog’s name and favorite treats by heart.

You also make special trips to the organic supermarket to buy the ingredients for healthy treats your dog loves, and you follow a recipe your veterinarian approved to ensure you provide essential nutrients.

golden retriever dog eating food from feeding bowl
Image Credit: AYO Production, Shutterstock

3. You Have a Ride for Your Dog

Your dog frequently accompanies you from point A to point B in a basket, buggy, cart, or something similar. You may have a stroller or a special carrier that allows you to bike with your buddy.

Chances are you’ve considered buying one of the electric cargo bikes specifically designed to transport dogs.

4. You Call Your Dog’s Veterinarian … Frequently

You take your dog’s health seriously. If you’re unsure about how nutritious a dog food is or if a rare plant is safe to have in your house, you contact your veterinarian.

Image Credit: Beach Creatives, Shutterstock

5. You Take Notes About Your Dog’s Health

When the veterinarian asks if there’ve been any changes in your dog’s health, you show them a list of the signs you’ve observed. When the veterinarian asks if you can describe your dog’s behavior, you have a video to show them.

6. You Take Lots of Pictures of Your Dog

Almost everything in life is better with your dog by your side, and your photos reflect that! You’re probably a helicopter dog parent if most of your photos are of your dog, even more so if it takes you more than a few swipes to find pictures of your partner, kids, or a brand-new car.

owner petting a happy dog
Image Credit: Bachkova Natalia, Shutterstock

7. You Avoid Doing Chores That Annoy Your Dog

Your dog has made it clear that they don’t like the vacuum and think the mop is scary, so you clean the house when they are sleeping or playing outside.

8. You Follow the Pet Park Rules

Your dog gets to enjoy regular romps at the dog park, but you only visit clean parks with strict vaccination policies. You always pick up your dog’s waste and have a collapsible water bowl for them in case they get thirsty.

golden retriever dog leaning on its owner outdoor
Image Credit: trofalenaRV, Shutterstock

9. You Go Home Early

While your friends are great and enjoy hanging out with them, you secretly love being with your dog even more. You leave events early to ensure they don’t have to spend too much time alone and have been known to decline invitations to play with your dog.

10. You Give Your Dog Lots of Gifts

If you spend lots of time looking for gifts for your dog (and a good bit of your money buying them), you may be a helicopter dog parent. Your dog may have more toys than your kids, and you have elegant parties on their birthday.

Image Credit: ©SolStock | Getty Images

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While helicopter parenting sometimes gets a bad rap, giving your dog plenty of love, attention, treats, and gifts is okay. Considering how many pets are abused and living in deplorable conditions, your role as a concerned dog owner can inspire others to pay more attention to their pets. As long as your dog is happy and healthy, and the two of you enjoy zipping around town and hanging out together, helicopter away.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: Krichevtseva, Shutterstock

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