Cane Corsos are intelligent, fiercely loyal dogs. They’re also big, and the average Cane Corso weighs over 100 pounds. Another trait these beautiful dogs have is one with a positive and negative side: a highly protective nature. The negative side of this protective nature is that Cane Corsos don’t always get along well with other dogs. If you’re adopting a Cane Corso and already have dogs at home, you may be wondering if it will be good with them.
The answer is maybe and possibly not. Several critical factors determine if a Cane Corso will get along well with other dogs and can help you decide if your dogs can coexist with the massive canine.
Socialization of Your Cane Corso Is Critical
Dog experts say the best way to ensure your Cane Corso gets along well with your other dogs is to socialize it as well as possible. However, the best time for socializing a dog is when it’s a puppy. Adopting an adult Cane Corso and trying to socialize it with your dogs will be much more difficult because the dog will be set in its ways.
The Other Dogs Should Also Be Big Dogs
Cane Corsos have a very high prey drive. Unfortunately, an adult Cane Corso who has never been around a small dog will likely see it as prey rather than a brother or sister. If you adopt a Cane Corso puppy, the chance it will get along with your smaller dogs is higher, and many Cane Corsos raised as puppies with smaller dogs (and cats) get along with them swimmingly.
Still, trainers recommend having larger dogs so your Cane Corso’s prey drive will be less triggered around them.
The Dogs Should Meet on Neutral Territory
If you adopt an adult Cane Corso to bring home to your other dogs, it’s best to “introduce” them at a neutral location. This will lower the protective response of all your dogs, as there won’t be anything around the neutral site they consider “theirs.” Introducing them at your home might work, but the chance it will trigger a protective response will be much higher.
Any Aggression Is a Bad Sign
If there is any aggression on either side when introducing your new Cane Corso to your existing pups, it’s best to stop the introduction immediately. If needed, try again at a neutral spot (and cross your fingers). If there’s aggression again, you might have a tough decision to make, especially if the Cane Corso is an adult. That decision is to bring the Cane Corso back to the shelter because its aggression might not fade and could put your other dogs at risk.
It’s Best to Adopt Opposite Sexes
Even if they’ve been neutered, male Cane Corso’s can still be possessive, territorial, and aggressive with other dogs, but especially with other male dogs. If you have male dogs at home, adopting a female Cane Corso might be a better idea, and vice versa.
Start Socializing Before Your Cane Corso Has Had All Its Vaccinations
This recommendation is slightly controversial, but vets recommend socializing your Cane Corso before they’re fully vaccinated. The reason is simple; if you wait until afterward, your pup will be bigger, stronger, and set in its ways. In effect, the risk of them getting a dog disease is lower than the risk of aggressive, territorial behavior, so socialization should take precedence over finishing vaccinations.
If you’re worried about socializing your Cane Corso before it’s been fully vaccinated, know this; The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) recommends it1. Vets still recommend that your Cane Corso have their first vaccination and deworming before meeting any other puppies.
If you need to speak with a vet but can’t get to one, head over to PangoVet. It’s an online service where you can talk to a vet online and get the personalized advice you need for your pet — all at an affordable price!
How to Socialize a Cane Corso Puppy
Socializing a Cane Corso puppy is one of the best ways to lower its prey drive and ensure it has a safe and affectionate relationship with your other dogs. There are many methods you can use to socialize your new pup. Below are a few of the best.
1. Arrange Puppy Play Sessions With Other Pups and Adult Dogs
Arranging play sessions between your Cane Corso puppy and other puppies is a fantastic way to socialize them. The same can be said for socializing it with adult dogs, although you must be sure they are non-aggressive and friendly, lest they get aggressive and hurt your pup.
2. Invite Friends and Family Over to Meet Your Cane Corso
Cane Corsos must also be socialized with humans, which can lower their protective nature and aggression. The more people, and the more often they touch, hug, cuddle, and play with your Cane Corso, the better.
3. Take Your Cane Corso Puppy to Several Places
Yes, you can socialize your Cane Corso puppy at home, but you should take it to the dog park and other canine-friendly locations to experience meeting new dogs. It is a fantastic way to show your Cane Corso that other dogs are all around and lower their aggression due to their protective nature when they’re adults.
4. Have Your Cane Corso Neutered or Spayed
Unless you plan to breed your male Cane Corso, get it fixed, which will significantly lower its possessive nature and prey drive. Not only that but it’s been shown that neutering (or spaying) a dog is one of the best methods of extending its life and lowering its chances of getting cancer and other dog diseases.
5. Bring Your Cane Corso to a Puppy Socialization Class
Depending on where you live, there are puppy socialization classes where you can enroll your Cane Corso. These classes are perfect for socializing your new pup with others in a controlled and safe environment.
6. Keep Up With Your Pup’s Socialization
One mistake many new Cane Corso owners make is to bring their pup somewhere for socialization and then… never do it again. Some situations will initially be too much for your Cane Corso puppy to handle. However, with repeated exposure, they become used to the stimulus, whether the park, mall, a friend’s house, etc. This process, called habituation, teaches your pup that the situation is OK and helps them calm down. For habituation to work, however, repeated exposure is a must.
If you’re planning to adopt a Cane Corso and have other dogs at home, you now know that, in some cases, they will be good with your other dogs. As we’ve seen, socialization is the key. A Cane Corso puppy that’s been well-socialized will have far fewer problems with other dogs than one that’s not. Spaying and neutering can also be a great help, as well as some other factors we discussed earlier.
If the Cane Corso you adopt is already an adult, the chance it doesn’t get along with your other dogs will be much higher, especially if the dogs involved are males. In some cases, you might even be forced to bring an adult Cane Corso back to the shelter or find another home. It’s unfortunate, but it’s better than your dogs fighting and injuring each other (or you). We wish you the best of luck bringing a Cane Corso together with your other dogs. Do it correctly, and you’ll have dog buddies for life!
Featured Image Credit: cynoclub, Shutterstock
- Socialization of Your Cane Corso Is Critical
- The Other Dogs Should Also Be Big Dogs
- The Dogs Should Meet on Neutral Territory
- Any Aggression Is a Bad Sign
- It’s Best to Adopt Opposite Sexes
- Start Socializing Before Your Cane Corso Has Had All Its Vaccinations
- How to Socialize a Cane Corso Puppy
- 1. Arrange Puppy Play Sessions With Other Pups and Adult Dogs
- 2. Invite Friends and Family Over to Meet Your Cane Corso
- 3. Take Your Cane Corso Puppy to Several Places
- 4. Have Your Cane Corso Neutered or Spayed
- 5. Bring Your Cane Corso to a Puppy Socialization Class
- 6. Keep Up With Your Pup’s Socialization
- Conclusion