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English Foxhound Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care & More

Written by: Ashley Bates

Last Updated on July 5, 2024 by Dogster Team

English Foxhound dog standing in the meadow

English Foxhound Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care & More

The English Foxhound is a very athletic and easy-going companion. That can make a wonderful family addition. This dog can acclimate very well to a variety of lifestyles and family sizes. They would work very well for a single owner or a growing family.

The English Foxhound is not just a hunting breed. They also make awesome indoor buddies. In this article, we aim to explain all the areas of care so you can decide whether or not the breed interests you.

Breed Overview


23–25 inches


55–75 pounds


10–13 years


Black, white, and tan, lemon and white, white

Suitable for:

Homes with land, active families


Alert, intelligent, trainable, social

The English Foxhound is bred to have immaculate hunting skills. Initially, as the name might imply, these dogs hunted foxes. However, they made hunters very happy with their good, laid-back, loyal nature and happy-go-lucky approach to life. If this docile darling captured your attention, you probably want to learn all you can. We think you are really going to be impressed with the affectionate, slow-paced nature of the English Foxhound.

English Foxhound Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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English Foxhound Puppies

English Foxhound puppies lying together outdoor
Image By: Angela Lock, Shutterstock

The English Foxhound will be quite the energetic puppy. Boundless and adventurous, these little guys will be on the move, ready for the next thing. The English Foxhound puppy will be very eager to please and excitable, making them wonderful puppies that get attached to their owners very quickly. Since the English Foxhound is medium to large in size, you should expect them to get big quite quickly. You should always pinpoint a reputable breeder with a successful history of healthy litters.

To weed out any genetic health conditions, it is important to make sure that the dogs have been bred and properly health tested. If you don’t get a dog that is well-bred, you can face pricey vet bills later in life. With these sorts of dogs, you’re likely to find rural breeders as opposed to those that live in the city. So, it can be more or less difficult to locate a litter of puppies, depending on where you are.

When you have an English Foxhound in your care, you can expect to spend lots of time chasing, running, tugging, and performing various types of other exercise. These dogs are playful and excitable—a perfect playmate for all.

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Temperament & Intelligence of the English Foxhound 🧠

The English Foxhound is an incredibly intelligent dog that is capable of learning a broad range of concepts. These pups are very attached to their humans, so they are extremely receptive to listening to them.

However, the English Foxhound can be incredibly stubborn when they don’t want to do something, leading to a bit of a power struggle. It is important to assert your dominance early so your pup knows the hierarchy.

Typically, these dogs are never aggressive or overbearing, but they can try to push the boundaries and get their way if you aren’t firm. Plus, young dogs can have an issue with being a little bit hyperactive, but they quickly calm down as they mature.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

These dogs make amazing family companions. They have a very high level of social need, making them perfect for families who love having company. These dogs make wonderful playmates for children and will gladly amble alongside an elderly person at their pace.

These dogs truly make reliable, friendly best friends who have many of the traits that make them terrific family pets. They would do well with a single owner or house full of kids. With this particular breed, it really doesn’t matter. In fact, the more the merrier.

The English Foxhound is definitely an excellent companion to have if you plan to socialize them often. They are very receptive to people, kids and seniors, friends, and strangers alike. They will love greeting a perfect stranger at the door with their tail wagging.

This, of course, isn’t the best option for people who are looking for a guard dog. These dogs are anything but aggressive, and they will not fulfill that role. They are more likely to happily jog along a burglar as they take all of your possessions rather than warn of an intruder.

English Foxhound dogs lining up outdoor
Image By: Derek Hunter, Shutterstock

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets? 🐶 😽

The English Foxhound can get along fantastically with other canines. In fact, they thrive when they have another dog buddy to keep them company. Even though this dog would be satisfied with a human companion, it’s not a replacement for animals of their own species.

This dog will love running in the mud, chasing around the yard, and romping around the house with their furry buddy.

If your English Foxhound is raised around cats, they can get along with them just as well. In fact, with some cats with higher energy levels, the two can prove to be very compatible playmates. However, some English Foxhounds might be a little too excitable for some cats to handle.

They do love to run and chase! They might torment the neighborhood cat or take off running to catch that pesky squirrel that always seems to evade them. This is simply the nature of the breed. If you would like a less prey-driven dog, you should certainly go with a more relaxed breed that has no hunting background.

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Things to Know When Owning an English Foxhound:

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Your English Foxhound will need a nourishing diet that gives them the nutrients they need to stay healthy. Since this breed is highly energetic, they burn a high amount of calories in a day. You need a protein-rich, nutrient-dense meal that is going to replenish your body.

As puppies, they will need high-quality dog food that is made explicitly for growing and developing dogs. As they are adults, you can get them a nice maintenance diet that will give them balanced health.

As seniors, you will need to switch them over to a recipe that is explicitly designed for the life stage. Dry kibble and wet canned food are viable options that are readily available at department stores and online.

However, fresh food is becoming a much more popular choice due to its nutritional benefits and ease of purchase. Many of these options are subscription-based services that are catered directly to your door. These can be above the budget that some people have for their animals, especially when you have larger dogs.

If you try to make raw or homemade recipes for your dog, always check with your veterinarian before serving. There are several key points they will want to touch on to make sure you are preparing the best recipe possible for your dog.

close up of English Foxhound dog
Image By: RobertArt, Shutterstock

Exercise 🐕

The English Foxhound is a very active dog who knows how to be chill. They need a moderate to high amount of exercise in a day but know when to calm down. We do not recommend them for homes where easily accessible outdoor spaces don’t exist.

You will absolutely want a space for your English Foxhound to run around. Having a large fenced-in backyard or free and open territory where they can explore is best for this particular breed.

If you don’t have time to devote to their exercise, you should never have them in smaller living conditions such as apartments, high rises, or other cramped living spaces. These dogs require much room to roam and they will not be happy in confined areas.

Training 🦮

The English Foxhound is a highly trainable canine. Not only are these dogs remarkably smart, but they also thrive on human connection. This combination makes it easy for them to learn basic to complicated concepts.

Even though almost every English Foxhound ends up being a very mannerly dog as they age, you can speed up the process by electing for professional training. This can help your pup develop some much-needed social skills and learn basic obedience, making it a master of the trade.

Your English Foxhound should be a very mannerly adult as long as you keep consistency and routine. However, when they are puppies, it can be a little complicated to train them as they tend to be slightly rambunctious.

English Foxhound dog standing on grass
Image Credit: RobertArt, Shutterstock

Grooming ✂️

Grooming the English Foxhound is a very straightforward process. You don’t have to worry about extensive brushing or time-consuming and expensive haircuts. This dog has a short coat that is easy to manage with regular brushing sessions and general bathing practices.

On average, your pup should have a full body bath once every 4 to 6 weeks, regardless of whether you take them to a groomer or do it yourself at home. Your Foxhound will also need toenail trims, ear cleanings, toothbrushing, and weekly brushing.

Health and Conditions ❤️

Health is single handedly the most important category for overall pet care. Your dog needs to ensure they have access to prompt and efficient veterinary treatment at all times, even in the event of an emergency.

While the English Foxhound is generally a healthy breed, there are certain genetic health conditions that can sometimes crop up. The best way to navigate around that is to purchase from a reputable breeder who has completed satisfactory genetic health testing.

In their first year of life, they must often see the vet. They will need routine vaccinations, parasite prevention, spay/neuter surgery, and microchipping to get them started in life.

After that, you can expect to see the vet annually except in the event of illness, emergency, or health concerns.

Minor Conditions
  • Thyroid problems

Serious Conditions
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Renal disease
  • Gastric dilatation-volvulus

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Male vs Female

The male and female English Foxhound can differ quite drastically in size. Generally, the males stand about 22 to 25 inches tall, while females are about an inch shorter. Both dogs have a hunting instinct, and it is not necessarily stronger in either sex. Both sexes also tend to share the same personality traits, making sex irrelevant when choosing a puppy.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the English Foxhound

1. English Foxhounds are perfect for athletic people.

We would go as far as to say that the English Foxhound is the ideal companion for a person with a very active lifestyle. Because these dogs are bred to run for miles, they do very well with hiking, jogging, and walking in rough terrain and inclement weather.

2. English Foxhounds have an American cousin.

The English Foxhound has a cousin. Their American variation is a little more arched in the back and has longer legs. Otherwise, they are virtually indistinguishable.

3. English Foxhounds are great with children.

The English Foxhound is a very relaxed companion that has an intuitive nature. Their character makes them excellent with children, even smaller ones. Keep in mind that no dog should ever be unsupervised around a child.

English Foxhound dogs running and walking on the road
Image Credit: Angela Lock, Shutterstock

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Final Thoughts

Now you know all the basic facts about the English Foxhound. This good-natured breed is an exquisite addition to homes with lots of yard space or land to roam. While laid back and docile, these dogs love to explore, so cater to their instincts.

If you’re interested in an English Foxhound, be sure to look for reputable breeders in your area. If you can’t find any, you might have to travel, so keep that in mind before you commit.

See Also: American Foxhound: Info, Pictures, Facts, Traits & More

Featured Image Credit to: RobertArt, Shutterstock

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