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Do Beagles Bark a Lot? Breed Temperament Explained

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 18, 2024 by Dogster Team

beagle dog barking

Do Beagles Bark a Lot? Breed Temperament Explained

Some dog breeds are known for their high energy levels, friendly demeanor, or funny personalities. In other cases, dogs are well known for their bark. Anywhere from the high pitch whining from a Husky to the low bellow of a hound dog, different dogs have different types and sounds of barking, and sometimes their breed is known to bark a lot more than others.

What about the Beagle? Do Beagles bark a lot? Generally, they are average barkers. Let’s look at the Beagle breed and examine whether their pattern of barking is a lot in comparison to other dogs.

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What Does a Beagle’s Bark Sound Like?

Beagles are a type of hound dog that is smaller in size. They are characterized by their long, floppy ears and black, brown, and white coats. They have big brown puppy dog eyes that make you want to give their heads a pat. However, due to their breed ancestry being related to the hound, they have low, long-winded barks. Almost like a howling sound that usually goes on in one long note. Unfortunately, some people might find their incessant barking a bit alarming and irritating after too long.

beagle dog inside crate
Image By: Jagodka, Shutterstock

How Much Do Beagles Bark?

Beagles are not known to bark or howl any more than other dog breeds. They are pack animals and prefer to be in groups—their barking can often simply be a sign of not being entertained enough!

These hunting dogs were well known for barking and howling while on hunts. They would bark and howl to bring their pack towards prey and increase barking until they catch it. This is similar to the behavior of the Beagle today. They will usually bellow or howl in one loud, long note until they are either no longer stressed or simply just tired.

Can You Lessen a Beagle’s Barking?

Yes, you can train your dog to bark less or identify when they are barking and try to put them in favorable situations where they don’t feel like they need to bark. Beagles will generally start barking when they are stressed. They also like to howl if you tend to leave them home alone or out in the backyard. Try avoiding this by keeping them company or teaching them to react with less stress to different situations.

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Beagles are known to bark and howl with a distinctly recognizable sound that differentiates them from other dog breeds. They have a distinct howl that seems to almost echo throughout a space! So, while their bark might be louder or generally more annoying to your neighbor, the Beagle doesn’t necessarily bark any more than any other dog. The best way to treat your dog’s barking is to try to keep them well entertained, well-exercised, and well-loved.

Featured Image Credit: mrnok, Shutterstock

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